Call of the Dragon: Object 292


I think these are much longer

135 sm

also anti whale move

I mean provide them with docs proving that. Also that pen on image might just be a troll

We are interested in the length of the warhead only, not the entire projectile. We’ll have to talk to the developers when the event starts about it

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doubtful. Remember vehicles are usually not even finalized until near the end of the event.

Engine must be 1250 hp


This is a shame, if true. I was looking forward to punching straight through the thickest armour in the game like it was nothing.

If the stats for the shell are this low, it lends credence to the possibility of Object 195 some time this year.

I hope to see at least 1,000mm.

These museum signs are often very innacurate, so it’s questionable

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I’m still wondering what kind of tank it is. If it is a mockup, then where is it and why so little photo/information about it


61mm of HE penetration.

Object 219A once stood in Kubinka as T-80BV, at least now its T-80U, which is at least more accurate since 219A is prototype of it.

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With more and more prototypes and paper tanks being added to the game, will we ever see ww2 prototypes aswell? Like the german E line tanks for example

Which is not the vehicle we are getting in game.

That is the final form of the 292. Which was never built. The “292” we’re getting is the test bed.

It is the 292. How the tank was planned to look like.

Would like to see the documents on this vehicle. Seeing as how Gaijin loves to say they dont have enough “credible” information on most NATO prototype vehicles.

The fact that it’s presently sitting around to this very day, that’s not enough to see it differently to a bunch of pictures about what was?

How about it missing something like 41% or so of its penetration?

It’s already not being given the ERA that was purposely designed to go with it. How gimped does it have to be before some grumbling about double standards subsides?

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2km/s 700mm pen APFSDS at 10.0…

Are you actually insane? This thing can lolpen anything it sees anywhere on the tank.


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