Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

It’s been brought to my attention that many players here are roasting a certain animal. Personally I’m not going to join in, I actually kinda like weasels. Never heard of this kind though. What is an Alvis Weasel and where did it originate?


They didn’t like that the player count went significantly down after the event and also that it’s cheaper to buy new event vehicle on the market rather than buying stars in the game and found the “easy” solution to both of these problems

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That’s what I mean too in “nerf”

You are right. So it’s even worse.

When 99.99% of the complaints are about the tradable coupon… yeah, League’s community for this moment in time is more appealing. Oh… whales… that’s the term I’ve heard people describe such players.

Oh, BTW I’ve been spading T-90A… which means one spawn matches… that reduces score per match of the account.

My record was sub-hour on the first score-based star event using A-10.
I was getting over 4000 pre-multiplied score per “got to the battlefield” match in the A-10.

I’m less skilled in ground these days, but I’d have a ground score task done rather quickly back when there were ground vehicle events I liked.
I’ll have to continue my general derust for ground.

noone actually believes you, besides the ammount of times youd have to leave without getting any points to get your average this far down is astronomical. You are simply lying.


I’m less skilled in ground these days, but I’d have a ground score task done rather quickly back when there were ground vehicle events I liked.

Tasks were actually do-able, now it’s just a job in the laziest event design known to mankind.


Spading a vehicle has no bearing on the score you receive in-match. If anything, you should be getting more as your vehicle is more capable.

Nobody is forcing you to take 1 vehicle and 1 vehicle alone into your games. All you are doing is hampering your own performance and time in match.


Yes, and you also seem to get less stages so if you plan to get the vehicle you can only miss one without spending any money. In previous events where you had to grind more stages for the tradeable coupon, if you never intended to sell the vehicle, you could plan and skip a couple of days to get the 8 stages(stars).

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Nah, tasks were far more stressful and longer.
Score was chosen because it was both easier and ended the meta vehicles.

I’ll keep being honest no matter how many insults people throw.

Well, Gaijin killed Soviet’s 10.7 lineup, and T-90A is the last tank to spade then I delete the preset permanently and never touch 10.7 Soviets ever again.


“i keep lying till people believe me”
good luck with that man, youre the only one thinking that way


Nah, tasks were far more stressful and longer.

Oh yeah, getting 20 kills, capture 15 zones and some assists or a killstreak was soooo stressful.

Definitely prefer to play the game 10 hours a day instead of that.


Let’s see…
750k over a 22 day period.

34k per day.

If you get about 2500-4000 points per match, which is trivial in a good GRB game, this would take about 15-20 matches. Maybe more, maybe less.

About how long are your average matches? If it’s 12-15 minutes long, that’s about 3-4 hours of gameplay.

Seeing as there aren’t 2-3 other vehicles to grind at the same exact time, I see this as quite decent.

Zone captures were especially stressful.
I only need name two vehicles: Puma and R3 T20.
You weren’t getting captures unless you were among them.
Assists are notoriously hard as well, kills are the only easy one.

One thing is certain, It’s going to cost a lot on the marketplace.

This is just proof that Gaijin cares more about its investors, they it do about its player-base. This was a boardroom decision…


That is not limited to multiple 2 day periods, nor is it needed to obtain the vehicle. Only to sell it.

Even then, this is about 2/3 the playtime needed for every vehicle of a 3 part event.

then use them yourself, didnt you say you use specific lineups to get tasks done? as if you dont have an M18 or Puma

The whole event was

Game starts, pumas and R3s rush spawn, cap it, J out and leave for the next game.

That was absolutely more cancerous and stressful for anyone trying to play normally.