Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

Uh, I’m sorry what?
throughout the event from February 1st (11:00 GMT) until February 19th (11:00 GMT)

That’s 19 days.
That’s actually ~39,473
I’m gonna nitpick that purely because that isn’t what their own words are saying???


So you spawn a Puma, an R3, an M18 and you’re pretty much guaranteed at least 1 cap per game… I can feel my blood pressure rising already.

Glad I can play 10h a day instead, so relaxing.


Where do you read 22 days? 1.2 - 19.2 doesn’t seem like 22 days does it?

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Where are you getting 22 days from?

The “Upgrade for coupon” item can be earned in parallel with the stages throughout the event from February 1st (11:00 GMT) until February 19th (11:00 GMT) for 750,000 mission points.

You have 18 days

750 000 / 18 = 41 666


With this sort of stuff you could at least do the event quickly, so the second day of the event was much more normal.

I very much doubt you were making 4000 a game on average before modifiers. This was possible prior to score events as AI ground units, especially medium tanks, gave a lot of score, but I’m fairly sure this method of gaining score was nerfed long before the score system for events was even considered.

If you can backup your claims please do so, because you must have been having 5+ kill games every match or something to achieve this. Most players average 1000-1500 a game.

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If you have to play 10 hours just to get a certain amount of score, maybe there’s a reason why the event based on W keying and dying was “fun” for you.

It’s 18 days.


Oh yeah right, even worse



I was thinking of 2 different things while typing.
Add another 2-4 matches, then.

Except it wasnt done just on the first day of the event, but for its entiriety.

I was thinking of both the purchase period and earning period, which got mixed up while typing.

Add 2-4 matches, it won’t kill you.

Yep that much score daily for 18 days sounds horrible. Like how much is that in hours played? I’m too tired to do the math.

Even if it’s only 2-4 matches extra, that is every day, for 18 days…

That’s not a trivial difference.

If we assume 3 extra matches, each with a length of 15 minutes that is 45 minutes extra per day.

Over 18 days that extra time adds up to 13.5 hours


thats an additional hour lmao

Another ‘‘skill issue’’ comment, if you aren’t an ‘elite’ player who get X amount of score per game and who thinks he content should be gated behind a grind and exclusive to addicts.

40k points, 40 games x 13 minutes is almost 9 hours.


I meant it could be done on the first day of each stage, sorry.

I don’t think he is good at maths

No worries.

My point is, some BRs were near unplayable.

With events being only score requirement, worst you have to deal with are sweatlords, but the game goes on relatively normally.

Yeah but i feel you got a lot more tryhards with score over both days, but before most were done on the first, so people who didnt do the event were free on the second day to have more relaxing game.
This is all my own opinion though :).