Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

I highly doubt that people grinding their life away in order to sell the coupons on market are doing it from goodness of their heart.

They want to make profit like anyone else.

Its just issue of supply and demand.

Look at some of the prices of low aviability of vehicles when compared to latest event rewards.

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45k points would be ok if we had three days for single stage. Only two days for 45k is way too little time. You really need to lessen points requirement , it is simply not fun or engaging for us players.

It’s not just a matter of supply and demand and the crash of the active exchange market, but it can’t be denied that what they do is not what they say. They say they want to give players access to more bonus vehicles at a relatively low level of intensity. But the event turned out to be the exact opposite of what they wanted😅

I disagree.

As working person with limited free time thats not grinding to sell those vehicles but to keep them,

22.5k a day is easily doable,

And now i can grind both ground and in case i want it air reward too because i dont have to do 40k a day for both ground and air star

Its a 20% fee regardless of the price.

Keep in mind lower pricing means way more interested buyers. You may find 10 people willing to buy a 20 GC item for every 1 that will be interested in one that is 100.

The GE price of just using GE to obtain the vehicle is unchanged as far as i can tell.

Honestly this change allows people to pick and choose what vehicles they want to bother getting, instead of the winter event where you needed to do 120 000 per 2 days or 1.2 million over the entire event. If you consider every event vehicle a “must” then thats a you problem. And if you are that person, this allows you to get every vehicle

Well, it looks like you have a lot of free time after work. I can’t do what you do. But the score requirement has also gone up, and it’s hard to feel good. Each star adds 5,000 points 😪

Well, you probably didn’t see what I meant. I’ll apologize first, I use machine translation. First of all, Event Vehicles were previously available for the option of purchasing with the Golden Eagle for about $50. The exchange is around $25. Now the Golden Eagle purchase is still $50, but the exchange price is also going up, maybe the market will adjust the price higher, maybe higher than the Golden Eagle purchase, which makes it very uncomfortable for people like me who rarely play games every day.

Yet again, GJN is monopoly money , in-store credit if you want.

You cant take the money you put in back out, you can only use the instore credit on instore purchases

They made their profit the moment you put the money in.


That is unfortunate but:

  1. Not a cashgrab because it makes less sales via the Gaijin store
  2. Avoids people “gambling” On the marketplace by GE-ing the vehicle (if it is the case you cant GE the 750k)


Yes, and you as a buyer on average has to put in money. So to maximize money earned they just need to maximize revenue on the Gaijin store. This event doesn’t do that

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Have you even done the math… go watch TECs video. he flat out does the math for people like you who “think its harder” turns out not only is EVERY vehicle obtainable because its 1 per event unlike the 3 per event that had you needing 1.2 million score vs the current 750k (so harder to get every vehicle) crafting events had a lock out in that you could NEVER get all rewards, turns out the average score per day with this new formula assuming back to back is around 25k score while the old formumla using the 4 main events last year (2 crafting 2 stars events) was around 66k per day. before claiming its harder actually do the math.

This new setup is arguably the best middle ground, its practically identical to previous stars events just with an extra 5k per 2 days is needed, so if all you want is the vehicle THEN NOTHING changes. crafting events are gone which means your not forced to grind arguably 8-10 hours a day and hoping RNG favours you for the crate resources and had to pick and choose your reward because it was capped. im still confused as to what the issue with this event forumla is. too many are outting themselves about being addicted to WTs market and got use to the idea they could grab coupons for chump change and now wont be able to with this.

Suck it up, I missed the last event, do I care (no) its a game ffs :D


3 hours 47 minutes on 1200 pre-multiplier score per 8 minute match at rank 5.

My friend, I can’t watch this video, if you can you send me a private message about the process and results of his calculations, I would like to find out. But I calculated it according to Gaijin’s game announcement. The game announcement says that the vehicle activities are separated. After this event, I will continue to play after a three-day break. If you want to hit three cars before, a total of 8450003 is 1.08 million, and the previous three cars are 8450003, which is 960,000. If you want to play the strengthened volume, it will cost 750,0003, which is 2.25 million, and before it only needed 1040,000*3, which was 1.2 million. If you look at the activity cycle given by gaijin, the score has become more, but it is just a little less every day.
This change makes it more difficult for future newcomers to get their hands on the vehicle. This is because players spend twice as much money as before, whether it is a Golden Eagle purchase or an exchange purchase. New players and those who don’t have time to play vehicles are asking for twice as much money. This is very detrimental to the future cycle of the game, because then the car becomes only available to old players and players who spend money to buy it. Because the price of this car will skyrocket in the next two years, new players will not be able to buy vehicles to experience the car. The price will become a step that hinders them. We can’t ignore the players of the future for the sake of immediate profits, and the players of the future are the basis for the survival of the game. I’ve heard a lot of new players complain about the ridiculous price increase of the previous Event Vehicles. Take Project 279 and AGS, for example

And the previous assembly activities can be compressed to 8-10 hours a day in just 2 hours a day through the real mode, but now it is just a dismantling of three cars into three activities and three cars, which is less in the short term and more in the long term. It’s become a longer marathon, which is a torture for both players who have time and don’t. 😢

Personally I prefer this to the previous events.

Particularly if you actually want to keep the vehicles it’s better than before, as now it’s always some grinding but never too much, and you can get all vehicles now. In the events as they used to be to get all vehicles the grind was massive over 20 days, and the build events were even worse, also you could only get 2 vehicles out out of 4 at best.

It promotes less sales of the vehicle?

And that has nothing to do with their actions. The entire point of this is to make it harder to sell and buy. If you still feel the absolute need to buy it, that is on you.

That only proves Avlis’s point?

Your right, it’s taken some nice changes for the better.

How? The people who rush to immediately sell a limited time vehicle lose… that isn’t everybody, that’s just people trying to profit.

And who’s being exploited?



It does? It exemplifies their efforts to make RMTers work harder.

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I’m not going to bother grinding it. Even if I had the free time, it simply wouldn’t be worth doing because of how bad the grind is.

In case you missed my original point, whether or not you are forced to do the event is ultimately irrelevant because the event is bad regardless. We are criticizing it on the basis that it’s bad, not whether or not it’s “optional”.

Even then the event isnt bad, new format is blessing for anyone that has a job.

It also isnt bad for anyone who grinds the vehicle for his own use.


Gaijin designed the event. They made it so it would be difficult for people who have little free time to grind it, when they could have made the grind easier. How is it not their fault?

The entire point of events is to create FOMO to get people to play the game more, thus inflating the player metrics in a way that only benefits the company and not the players. If events were about “giving back to the people” the grinds wouldn’t be so ridiculous.

He is wrong and I’m going to explain to you why.
Whether or not the event is “optional” or whether it is “our choice” is irrelevant, because that’s not what we are criticizing it for. We are criticizing it for being too grindy. It being optional has no bearing on this. If the event was mandatory it would be much worse, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s already bad.
The event is purposefully designed to make it harder to get the reward in the specified time in order to push players into spending real money. The developers are the ones who made it that way.

But if you want the coupon the event is objectively worse for you. This does not benefit anyone, it just makes it worse for the people who want the coupon. It being more “exclusive or limited” likewise benefits no-one besides Gaijin and the few people that think having something limited makes them better.

To make it clear, if you don’t have a problem with this event, that is fine. But I and many others do and we are going to voice our discontent. We are not going to shut up or be okay with it just because you are, just like you won’t criticize it just because we do.


In what way? Having the events spread out over a larger portion of the year just puts the game in a state of perpetual event grind and doesn’t fix any of the issues with actual events themselves. You no longer have to grind 6 vehicles at the same time, but you now have to grind the game non-stop the entire year. How is the event not bad when it’s even grindier and less rewarding than the previous events, which were also bad?

It is because they are still grinding more for less. And it’s objectively worse for anyone that wants the coupon but not the vehicle or anyone who wants to buy either because they don’t have the time or don’t want to bother with the event.

each major crafting event reward to get it was grinding 450,000 mission score - 6 days of 75,000 grinding
if you wanted 2 vehicles you had to grind 900,000 missions score - 12 days of 75,000 grinding out of 13

each major winter event vehicles to get it was 320,000 mission score

all 4 vehicles over same period you had to grind 960,000 mission score - over 16 days

object 292 event, - 16 days of grinding 45,000 every two days so 360,000

crafting event per year = 2
summer/winter event = 2

crafting events = 4 vehicles out of 8 and it would be 1.8 million mission score
summer/winter event = 8 vehicles and it would be 1.9 millions mission score

in order to get 12 out of 16 vehicles it would be 3.72 millions mission score (3,720,000)
to get 16 if possible it would be 4.96 million (4,960,000)

New System

Individual events = 16 vehicles at 40,000 per two days so 320,000 each and 5.12 million (5,120,000)
16 vehicle events = 256 days
Total required score per day = 20,000
also you can get all the vehicles

crafting and summer/winter events = 12 x 2 + 16 x 2 = 56
total required score per day = 66,428

thats the TLDR of the video’s calculations if you cannot actually watch the video but the math adds up, while a 1 to 1 vehicle vs last events this formula is “longer” its also significantly more spread out if your actively wanting other events within the year. and its still less grind than crafting events fullstop on a per vehicle basis.