Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

Meh. Hard pass.

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So what argument would you use then for ppl who dont have time to obtain a special limited time event item then… im sorry but these events and there items are just that “limited” if your busy or unavailable then why is that gaijins fault.

the entire point of events is a few things, it drives player numbers up, it creates a way for gaijin to inject “new” content without the need for a major patch but also allows them to give something back to the people who grind the event for said special item.

Hes not wrong in what he said, your not forced to cough up money, thats “your choice” would you use the “we dont have time argument” every time an event doesnt suit your needs. like im not trying to sound elitist but im being real, life is life and not everyone has free time at the same time as something else that goes in the world, thats literally just how it goes.

If all your interested in is the vehicle not the coupon, then its still obtainable under a very similar time frame to previous events. So i dont see the issue beyond the added score for the coupon and potentially no option to GE the coupon portion of the event but thats gaijin wanting to make it more exclusive/limited which again is what events are.


Sweet, get back to me when you feel like youre burned out from grinding the 750k required for upgrade coupon.

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No use mate.

They dont want to admit their addiction to WT

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They should just remove the stages for good, it has been a limiter for progress since forever.

Let us grind the full amount of points, but let us choose when, not when Gaijin tells us its okay to start the next stage…


Don’t time limit the stages. All 405k points needed to unlock the 9 stages should be possible to accumulate throughout the entire event and not just in 2 day intervals.
Reduce the total points to 250k points.


Then don’t go after the tradable coupon…

You’re merely describing a good piece of advice for what someone should do in RESPONSE to them making the event 70% harder. And I agree (I even said the same thing in my original comment: “get bent”, as in I wasn’t gonna do or complete the event).

But it does not change the original fact that it got 70% harder.

The full event is to the tank, the loading screen is a bonus.

Simply objectively wrong. There is a clearly programmed and advertised harder step beyond that. It is part of the same event. This is a fact.

Making it harder to get rid of the tank is a good thing IMO.


Not sure why you’re drawing an arbitrary line at the tradable coupon

You’re “not sure” why I’m including all parts of the event as announced, and not just ignoring any of them? Uhh… because this thread is about the entire article/event and not half of it?


The event is the tank.
The tradable coupon isn’t the main reward and has never been.
So no, it’s not 70% harder no matter how much you want the goalpost moved.

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No, the event is everything listed in the article announcing the event and saying what’s in the event. Conveniently linked for you at the top of this page.

Quote for your even further convenience: "The “Upgrade for coupon” item can be earned in parallel with the stages throughout the event from February 1st (11:00 GMT) until February 19th (11:00 GMT) for 750,000 mission points."

The tradable coupon isn’t the main reward and has never been.

Cool random made up arbitrary opinion you have there. Actually, I’ve changed my mind. I think the decal is the main reward and always has been, now.


That is true, the tradeable coupon however gives you the opportunity to grind a vehicle that you don’t need to sell it later in order to buy another vehicle that you missed/will miss.

Why not buy vehicle directly with money you earn from job?

Should event really be balanced around people that can play 20 hours a day so that they can make 20GJN profit later?

You probably have unlimited fps in NVCP together with reflex or low latency which keep your gpu at max most of the time.

If you have a doubt just cap your fps in NVCP to like 30, and you will see usage going down.

And of course they would not do that before asking you to sign an agreement.

An your antivirus would block it.

It even says in the post about the tank :

The tank will be easier to get, since it’s only a single vehicle, used to be 120k score per 2 days if you wanted everything.

Now if you just want to get it in order to sell it, it’s harder for a single vehicle now, but still less than it used to be for 3 vehicles.


My friend, you should consider considering those who want vehicles and don’t have the time. This change increased the price of the car from $30 to $120. So isn’t this extra money a money grab? And this score requirement is too whimsical, 750,000 points is equivalent to getting two vehicles. It’s hard to imagine if they even tried their own game


Guys, note that they announced that they wanted to give players access to more bonus vehicles at a relatively low level of intensity, but the event stars were changed from 40,000 points to 45,000 points. Moreover, the score of the movable vehicle volume has changed from 320,000 points to 360,000 points. The enhancement volume has changed from 400,000 points to 750,000 points, is this really a reduction in the intensity of the game? And is it true that the people who play this game are all players who are online 24 hours a day, and there are no players who go to school and work? Aren’t they gamers?


No, the larger price and lower volume means its literally the opposite.

A cashgrab by Gaijin would be any strat that maximizes money for them. And in that regards this likely aint it.

Meanwhile the winter event was 1 200 000 (120 000 per 2 days) for the full event with plenty of opportunity to GE your way to upgrade tokens and the vehicles themselves. Not to mention vehicles that are lower cost on the market, which likely means more revenue.

Potentially higher market price =\= cashgrab

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My friend, if you don’t have time, you can only buy a vehicle at a higher price if you want a vehicle. The Golden Eagle costs 8,000 ah, which is close to fifty dollars, and even the exchange will be about the same price. That’s already twice as many vehicles as before, aren’t they reaping the player’s money?

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You have to know that the exchange price is higher Gaijin can earn higher taxes from it, and if you want Golden Eagle to buy it, they will earn more. So from this cycle change, Gaijin has made more money. Not to mention that the essence of their changing cycles is to trap players in their game

This argument falls appart once you notice that people that dont have time to grind said vehicle for themselves can just buy the stars and dont have to buy for inflated prices over the market.

But before that, the market price is cheaper than the Golden Eagle purchase. Now, no matter where you buy it from, it means that the purchase price has doubled compared to before