Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

If it’s good … latest vehicles from events are a flop

I mean,lolpenning every single MBT ig on 2+km with 10.0 tank? Gimme. It have no armor as its 80B hull,even if it wouldnt have thermals the gun is really good,gotta just play it like sniper light tank and not brawler MBT like regular 80.

The Strv 122 has 750 on the beak of the hull so that would still resist it

I don’t play tanks, so I don’t understand what you say XD

I just grinded the LOSAT, and I see people who play tanks think it’s crap and the price doesn’t increase.

So now it can penetrate any Abrams everywhere now. Put it Vs M1 Abrams that have almost the worst 10.0 MBT shell, you still need to aim for small weakspots… Object 120 history took a loop right now. We have under tiered tanka but this time it has some armour and would be the fastest MBT from 10.0+ bracket.

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Until they change its BR

HC/A2 turret cheeks still resist.

Gunner Side cannot resist at close to medium range.

They want the players to buy their event vehicles.

For me personally, the 2 Day Cycle is BS, 'cause I got a real life and don’t want to be forced to grind those score every 1-2 days - or to pay money to get some stages.

Gonna keep playing other games, because especially with events up, the server performance is degrading even further and the experience while playing is even worse.

Congratulations Gaijin, you tricked yourself.


Just like me, I wouldn’t force myself to play every 2 days like I did with Vilkas, lucky me I got a lot of free time in Christmas to even think of doing that. Now with work on my mind I don’t care, I don’t have enough time, and desire to play

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This vehicle on 10.0 wouldn’t even see HC and A2, nor any 122s. It wouldn’t see anything that can resist this shell but would face tanks that will struggle to deal with his armor like in T-80B case

Um is warthunder down at the moment ? It’s not letting me connect to the servers

Yes, that’s what I’m talking about. I think people can try to achieve a high target score in the game to get a trading coupon instead of spending 9990GE to get it, but I think the target score for games up to 750K is a little high. I think it should be reduced appropriately, about 550K to 600K is appropriate (when I am writing this sentence, I calculated whether the 500K activity score is appropriate, the answer is that although it is a bit difficult, but the average score of 26316 per day seems to be a bit too simple). This means that it is appropriate for players to achieve at least 28948 to 31579 game activity scores every day for these 19 days.

Although this is difficult, it is not difficult for some hard-working players or master gamers (or both:).

I am not even surprised that they put it at 10.0 to fit into already OP prem/event 10.0 lineup of the Russians and I am also confident that no matter how broken it’s going to be in terms of firepower it will forever be at 10.0 considering how they like to babysit another broken thing called 2s38 that everybody is complaining about.


750K to make it tradable is ridiculously high. Should be lowered to 495k.
Just add 2 stages. That way it will be more like how it was before this change.
8 stages to get the vehicle. And 11 to get the upgrade coupon.

Its not the 5k extra points. Its the 750K to upgrade the coupon so you can sell it.

Ok, thats the opposite of a cashgrab.

You cant as far as i can tell buy that with GE like you could with the stages. And it potentially means less of them on the market, which is less volume and by less extension revenue from that vehicle on the market.

So how is that a cashgrab when its, as far as i can tell, literally the opposite

we have neither confirmation or denial on whether the upgrade is purchasable with GE at the moment.
so right now there is no way to know.

And if we can ill do a 180° on that opinion

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“They are not holding a gun to your head” is not a defense for anything. The fact you need to use that just shows you don’t have an actual argument.