Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

First of all, I apologize for the misunderstanding I have caused you in English. I have also seen your reply to other people’s posts as to why I agree with half of this event goal:
For people like me who are only interested in certain vehicles, if I have the desired vehicle, then I will not hesitate to achieve the event target score, will not sell it, and activate it directly to my account. But occasionally, I personally don’t like this vehicle, but I have a hunch that this vehicle will get a good price in gaijin market, so I think the 750K gaijin market coupon is unreasonable. Everyone has a life, and as a 30 ±year-old social member is no exception, I know the truth of “no work, no harvest”. I just speak for myself and some players under foreseeable circumstances. If I can suggest a goal score, I suggest subtracting the 200k-250k goal score, which is reasonable for those who are willing to contribute and work.


Just casually making an event 75% harder than it used to be for absolutely no reason.

Lol. Lmao, even. Get bent.


Cant wait to spend my money and my time on:

My family and friends,GFUS AMIGO

Just cant believe in the year 2024 we can still have someone who defends this game sooooo much
Thanks to this guy,I had my lunch and dinner watching him like a 🤡 on the forum


Purely earned.


No, I’m sick of that predatory practice. I’m glad it’s gone.
Tradable coupon being buyable was always a mistake.

Thank you for your amazing response, sir.
I understand Gaijin wants to end the practice of people buying their way to the tradable coupon.

I’m gonna be brutal here; with how many people that quite obviously spent GE to get the tradable coupon revolting makes me love the fact that it’s 750,000 score to get.

Maybe tradable shouldn’t be 750,000, but it definitely should never return to purchasable.

I support Arctic’s statement.
The amount of people defending the predatory behavior of purchasable tradable coupons in this topic is quite astonishing.

Bruh… I had a shower thought about this exact thing yesterday.

I have RTX4070 coupled with Ryzen 5800X3D and War Thunder barely runs stable 144FPS on max settings 4k while other games, much more graphically advanced, run way better. War Thunder is the ONLY game that gets my fans spinning at 100 % even in hangar.

The only time I managed to get a 100% load on my GPU was when I tested it with a benchmark… and with a cryptominer. :D

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Hey @Stona_WT,

would you like to join the playerbase on WT Twitch stream marathon during the event to grind with us the reward tank with tradeable coupon? Maybe we as a community need to see how you guys play the game and are able to get the rewards?


45 is 12.5% more than 40, and we don’t know the multipliers.
That’s not 75%.

U think its okay?The problem never be the amount of points
But heres something that entertaining me more
Everyone(at least 70、80%) here is saying “its not right” but theres still a few thinks “its OK”
And THE-FEW ones said this phenomenon is quit astonishing
To me,What u guys saying is more astonishing

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I say its easy from my <3 hours a day playtime of War Thunder battles.
That’s what I say.
In-fact, my last week battles is 64, which is definitely less than <2 hours a day of playtime in War Thunder battles. Which checks out since I only played about 20 hours of WT, with an amount of that sitting idle.

I haven’t done ground as seriously as air for events in a long time, so yeah I’m using pre-existing knowledge from at least a year ago…
We’ll see if the tactics I’ve adopted over the last year or so improve my speed for ground battle events.
I don’t think I’ll be naval battles fast, but I think I could be fighter aircraft air score fast if I adopt tactics correctly.

that is not explicitly stated though, it could be assumed or interpreted as that since it does not state that it is purchasable, but with the given information there is nothing hindering it being purchasable for GE.
They are not saying either so both are still a possibility.

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The tank seems like a good event reward, but why not save that one for an event for a russian holiday?

I liked the premise of having events that are linked to real world holidays, but having the main prize completely disconnected from that feels odd.

What’s next? A Japanese aircraft for the 4th of July? A British ship for the German unity day?

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I think they were unprepared for the new format.
As if this new format was rushed… maybe because of laws changing around the world.

No offense
Bt the moment u said 3h-a-day playtime
U have take this whole game-playing as A “JOB” in ur subconsciousness.
Each of us r the single one in this cruel world.
And i dont think play this game alone/teamd with scripts&bots&cheats will be a wonderful experience which i have been done for days.
And 6 hours gameplaying cant finishd the ground task if u dont go to tier VIII and suffer much more

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Yep…maybe they already had the T-80 finished as the main prize for the spring crafting event

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I never had to take War Thunder as a job personally.
I allocate at least 4 hours of play time to video games a day. War Thunder IS my primary game and has been for 5 years now.
6 hours across two days did just fine for events prior using rank 4 - 6 tanks.
Air score was done in 4 hours [could be even less] at times using a fighter, which is the slowest method of gaining score for aircraft. Of course that’s across 2 days.
But yeah, I spend time with friends and family just as much as anyone else.

I may not work, but I don’t play games during at least 6 hours of my awake time cause I’m doing studies, personal work, exercising, etc instead… all things I would do at a job anyway.

Maybe u really did.
Since the conversation has come to this kinda situation
I have to say
Putting aside the plot of helping others.And respect others fate.
May u feel good in this controversial game

750 for a sale coupon / 440 for a sale coupon previously = 1.7, okay 70% not 75%

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With the latest trend of Gaijin actually taking a look at community feedback, I hope that they will take something from this first event, too.

In this case:

  1. Offer rewards that have a connection to the event itself

  2. Make them a tad bit more obtainable

sitting all future events out tbh. i cant be bothered to suffer for the rest of my term with WT