Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

this is all true, it still does not comment on the fact that they exclude specific groups of people from having a reasonable chance of getting a tradeable coupon. and people who before could consistently get one tradeable coupon per event will now be locked to the specific vehicle.

Yeah no,this event will not be any good

First of all: you said “45k points per mark because it’s a single Tier VII vehicle”. The Winter event had the Vilkas for 40k points,and it was the only Tier VII tank

Then,if i wanted to sell the Vilkas,i either earned a total of 400k points or get the Vilkas and spens 2000 GE to get the last 2 marks

Here the tradable coupon costs DOUBLE the price of what the Tradable Vilkas was.Hell, it’s even double the amount you need to get the vehicle.

I don’t know if the tradable coupon can be bought with GE,but in either cases i know that this event is purely made to gain more money from the Marketplace,why?

Because if the tradable coupon can be bought,it will be a very high price,so the baseline on the Marketplace will also be very high. If not,there will still be few people that will sell the vehicle (because they either have no social life,or are the 1% of skilled players).

So yeah, this event is for the Marketplace,i’m not particularly happy with this

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And yet again, you didn’t learn a thing from everything the community said. For a “Free” game you sure don’t give out stuff for free, or make it so bad that you are FORCED to buy it. You need to make these things easily grindable and repeat them so that everyone can get them or continue the grind next time, not everyone wastes their life 24/7 playing this game. You need to do better Gaijin and start learning from other free games on how to make events more normal and maybe people wouldn’t be so salty all the time about this game. The game is Unique but you need to do better when it comes to free stuff.


Another shitty cash grab attempt by gaijin for another soviet tank very few if any wanted to one of the strongest nation. You really cant read the room.

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Is that statement aimed at me?

curious where you even get that figure from considering I can see 2082 on my end for average score and thats only 100 battles cz this last month i didnt even do the event cz i couldnt be bothered with the vehicles :D

So if you tried to out me that failed

Btw using the average score 2082 with 1.33x modifier still comes to 13 matches :D so my point still literally stands lmfao. you claimed my average score was 1393 but thats my all time average across my entire account

Oh i forgot other things:

This vehicle is NOT a premium vehicle,so this much of a grind for a vehicle is literally absurd

There is no low-tier vehicle before this one,so this reinforces the point of the ludicrous grind

If all these “small events” have the same duration,does it mean that we need to obtain 280k points for a non-tradable low tier vehicle and more than 560k points to be able to sell it? Because if that’s the case,at this point remove the event already because no one will ever grind 280k points for a low tier premium vehicle,even if it’s the most anticipated vehicle in all of War Thunder

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Gaijin be thirsty. I like the decals but none of these prizes are worth slaving away for these insane chunks of time for insanely high point quotas. I’m glad this makes the decision to pass very easy for me.

When you think about the degraded gameplay that’s gonna result from this event resturcture, this is gonna be one sweaty year. The players who suffer the most, will be the ones who want nothing to do with these events.


This is way too much, we have life outside War Thunder. At least in the old system we knew some month would be event time and we could organise somehow.

I’m highly in favour of this new system but don’t ask for the same scores, it’s not doable and you’ll just frustrate people even more. We don’t need this.

My suggestion:

  • 35 000 score
  • Talisman at 450 000 score

That way we could get the vehicle without premium and if some people really want to have it Premium they could play more and do something like 45k per day!


Well he was already dishonest once, wouldnt be surprised if he tried it again to push a point.

They need to make it even less, and even repeat the event so that everyone can get the vehicles. If someone didn’t complete it, when it repeats they just continue on where they left of and can even grind all of the vehicles eventually.


The more I think about it, the more I really like this new event format, and these rewards look terrific, BUT… Rank VII vehicle or not, 45,000 Mission Score every two days per stage is too much! With the kind of responsibilities most of us have in life, getting the time necessary to complete each stage just isn’t feasible! Please, Gaijin, cut us some slack.

Will we at least be able to purchase each stage with GE, and if so, for how much? The usual 999 GE?


This unbelievable amount of time required for events make me think about conspiracy theory, that WarThunder is just one large cryptocurrency mining tool. Why in the world would anyone require from players to spend so much time in game to get virtual item.


With a ground RB multiplier of 1.33, 35,000 score is 46550 score.

This will be a breeze to grind for anyone that learns the best methods of gaining score.

Thirsty for what? These changes reduce GE payments because the tradable coupon is no longer purchasable with GE.

do we have this confirmed? i have not seen anything on this.

Which part?
The part where tradable coupon is no longer purchasable with GE is confirmed in this news page.
The part where this will reduce profitability of events? My professional opinion based on preexisting knowledge of customer behavior; You can accept my professional opinion on that matter or seek another person’s opinion, it’s up to you.

Had another idea. What if tokens were weekly instead of every 48 hours. What if an event ran for a month.

4 tokens needed for the vehicle. With each token available each week. Each token cost about the same they do currently though (over the course of a week), around 120-160k each. So you had an entire week to farm out the 1 token. Means people can play around their schedule. If that means they can only play 1 day per week. Then so be it.


Chinese New Year themed event… Soviet tank. Come on, you didn’t even try with this one


This one. And I’ve read the news page 3 times now, I don’t see it. Could you quote it?

What on earth is Gaijin thinking? Guess this really was a monkey’s paw wish, thought you might make the events a bit nicer, but nope. Increase the score needed, and then increase it to an absolutely absurd level if you want to sell the coupon. Just make a tenth stage that gives you the upgrade for coupon. Hardly anyone will grind this event, or future ones.