Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

This. Give me a development tank, or the WZ-111, or a paki export plane. What the hell gaijin

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It’s VERY out of place and out of theme for sure.

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that is completely valid, but tha’t does not counter my statement in any way.
its still more playtime per day than before.

I’m of the camp that events should be along the lines of the Battle for the Atlantic, Tailspin, Super Soldier; and Dune variety. Quirky pauses throughout the year to offer something different and vehicles, regardless of their status as a serialized production or one-off prototype not be used as rewards. Those should be kept within the standard tech tree. These events seem like a great means to give out boosters and decals. Hell, bushes could be a great reward.

The amount of vehicles newer players will never get is exceedingly too high and if Gaijin brought them back in a more routine function, then we would be having a different discussion. But I’ll ask you the same thing then, if it’s such an additional grind to try and make a side cut, why get upset then? Clearly the event change isnt benefiting you either.


The WZ-111 would have been perfect actually


Why are you comparing it like this though…

Lets break the events into 2 sections (non coupon and coupon section)

Non coupon is 40k more than last event so nothing else to say on this, thats literally an extra 2-4 hours at best.

But the coupon portion while your numbers are correct when doing it as a 1:1 comparison your also not accounting for the value on the market. 2 coupons in last event roughly sold for 40 GNJ (20 each give or take) and thats for 800k total score to obtain 2 vehicles.

this 1 vehicle is 50k less than the 800k for 2 in last event but because the coupon portion is harder to obtain it will mean the coupon will be valued higher than previous per vehicle coupons, so while it looks like you are playing more to get 1 vehicle with this current event vs 1 vehicle last event your also going to end up with a higher valued coupon no doubt about that so as long as this coupon ends up being 40 GJN or more your actually getting more for your investment which is what many seem to be ignoring here.

But if all your interested in is the vehicle on your account then its literally just an extra 40k which is nothing with modifiers.

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What I’d want is some overlap between tokens. Like 3 days per token but a new token per 2 days.


Day 1: Token 1
Day 2: Token 1
Day 3: Token 1 & 2
Day 4: Token 2
Day 5: Token 2 & 3
Day 5: Token 3
Day 6: Token 3 & 4

Etc etc etc.

Would mean that you could do 2 tokens on one day and then not have to necessarily worry about for the next few days

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Because gaijin couldnt help themselves at all using the “real life events” mantra as an excuse to shoehorn more russian junk in the game


They’re bringing them back in GE lootboxes/gambling, like the Christmas chest.

I wish the community had been as up in arms about that as it was about spall liners.

I can make $1400usd minimum at $24/hr-22% taxes 1.5x pay overtime past 40hrs if I worked 57 hours.

What a joke. Id literally rather have a job

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40k more at about 2k after modifiers per game is 20 matches, that’s 5 hours at 15 min per match
5h/18days = about 0,3h (or 18 min) per day. sure not that bad, still sucks for people with a job/school and family, but not super bad no. but that is also EVERY DAY for 18 days.

and you are correct about the coupon with high probability adding up at around 40 GJN instead of earlier 20 GJN. BUT, and a big BUT, that will matter zero if you don’t have time to get it at all anymore. if previously you had time for one upgraded vehicle out of the three in old events you now have to put in almost double that time for the same vehicle. so if i don’t have that time, i cant get it. so before i got 20 GJN (one upgraded vehicle per event) spread over two events. now i get nothing because there is no time. i don’t get the 40GJN.

that’s the main issue, sure it evens out over a larger time period and amount of GJN but that does not matter if i cant get any at all anymore.

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I think your (pretty sure it was yours) earlier suggestion of letting players use whatever mode/vehicle-battle type they want to grind out the event is the most ideal. Like play, fine. Keep the 45K requirement. Let me go play Air SB to grind out this tank. I enjoy that mode the most and the difficulty with sim keeps it far more interesting and worth the effort.

Well, that’s terrible. At least countries are starting to crack down that stuff. I mentioned it in an other post but I saw China is considering a bunch of new micro-transactions rules/bans. So hopefully the US and Europe will follow suit.


You sure thats after modifiers? with the 1.4x modifier for top rank in GRB that comes to about 24K score required and at 2k score thats 12 matches at 15 mins thats a total of 3 hours and thats assuming you stop dead at 2k on a 15minute mark, ive hit 3k+ in matches sooner or at 15mins so that 3 hours very easily goes below 3 hours in most cases.

But see here is the issue with this mentality, the only people who had time to get one coupon, ONLY wanted the coupon thinking they could “sell it big” on the market not because they wanted to use the vehicle but not realising said market is heavily effected by demand/rarity.

Again if those people “want the vehicle” then thats still achievable with the 8 stages, but if they expect to get a hand out on a coupon because “they want to sell the vehicle they have no intention of using” then I dont feel like thats how events should be and nor how gaijin should approach them. NO GAME I have played has ever done events like this EVER. they make stuff timed limited OR hard to obtain because thats what events are (special activities within a game that allow a player to be rewarded for there efforts)

just chucking 2-3 hours (maybe 4-5) every 2 days for a star imo was absurdly easy and imo devalued what events are even IF we exclude the cost of coupons, just look at the market for the Vilkas and M2K, 6000+ coupons still on the market and I’ve seen god knows how many Vilkas in GRB over the last 1-2 weeks so ide argue thats well over the 10-15k range which if you then look at the average player numbers, anywhere from 100-200k thats about 5-10% of the player base has an event vehicle of there choosing, if we assume similar numbers for the M2K thats already in the 12-15% range which imo might seem “low” just heavily devalues events in rarity of said items let alone them being sold dirt cheap

I think this is a good middle ground, ppl who want the vehicle still get it with similar investment, ppl who want the coupon to be sellable get a higher return on there investment.

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Wasn’t me, but I think I did agree to someone suggesting that. It’s an okay idea, but everyone would just farm events in ASB and it would kind suck for the SIM mains always dealing with the bots

Aged like milk.



yes, i have an average of 1469 score before modifiers in Ground RB (2056 points after modifiers) and i’m not a bad player, my average placement is 67% in team per match.
i think i have an average of 12min playtime per game, i added 3 min for queue and main menu stuff for total 15min per game.

if that’s an issue, why did gaijin make the vehicle tradeable at all to begin with? its possible to make tradeable for a reason.

playing to get the vehicle to keep as all fine, it is a bit sucky that they increased the time needed but not horrible and still manageable.

they don’t though, its double the time for an assumed double the price, so the same return as before, it’s just that now many won’t be able to get it.

so the ones that do have the time still get about the same return of investment yes. but many will completely loose the ability to get it that does not seam fair. everyone should have the same chance of getting the things they aim for. no group of people should be left out of the option because of their situation in life. it should only be dependant on your performance in game, heck even then it should just be a bit harder for worse players, not unobtainable. many people (me included) grind events to be able to buy other things we want in game if its not a vehicle i intend to keep. i just use that GJN to get another vehicle i do want, its just that that trade comes at a premium where you have to play extra to be able to make that trade and i see nothing wrong with that. now they are effectively taking away that ability to trade in the vehicle for something i actually want and locking me to the vehicle offered in the event. a vehicle i probably won’t ever use.

I dare you to have one of your employees play this and then see how their productivity is afterwards vs before and also ask him for feedback (none of which will be done.)


its not assumed (technically is) but market value is determined by rarity, if you have used the market long enough you see this in every event that happens. very few people I can imagine went for 2 or more vehicles at once so whoever gets this coupon means its going to be very limited SO those limited sellers can effect the value of the coupon much greater than the larger masses on the previous coupons (everyone always undersells the next for a quick sale)

mark my words, after the 19th of Feb ide suspect this tank considering its very unique in its design as well will probs sell for 60 GJN and settle at around 40-50, the air event is the one I suspect will be mucccccccchhhhhh higher due to score being much longer to achieve

I’m very confident the investment while being lower for potentially equal or greater return is worth it. anyone who simply wants to use the vehicle then this has no effect on them other than an extra 3-5 hours tops

Average ground RB score of claimant for the last month, which includes most of the last event: 2082. (works out to 14 games to get 40k, assuming a 1.33 multiplier). (EDIT: Stat corrected)

The original claim, to be clear:

I look forward to the poster’s correction of his original claim.