Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

How many multiplayer games have you played events on?
I’ve played events on over 20 multiplayer games that have events, and of them all War Thunder’s was always the easiest.
Even during task-based system of terror, it was easier than other MP games.
So yeah, you can make your obviously false claims.
However, WT events are among the hello kitty side of events compared to others.

How do you exploit a customer as a business?
The answer is housed in memory for me, cause I took Business, Economics, and Accounting courses.

Oh and FOMO has existed in WT since the first event because no re-runs.
Your solutions won’t fix FOMO, only re-runs will fix FOMO. The market is not a solution.
War Thunder is also not coded for re-runs at this time.

No. Cause this is how events have always been, just these ones are shorter than my 2019 - 2020 events.
If you put in effort to learn tactics, you can get the score fast.

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Reduce this to 35,000

$10-15 is not at all fair for a Top Tier vehicle grind that has taken 3 hours of gameplay every day for 19 days…

I mean, everyone here is raging stating that this grind is impossible, are they not? Yet if someone still takes the time and effort to do it… I don’t think 10 bucks is fair at all.

I am not expecting to get anything beyond reason, but at least the equivalent of $45-50, as it was during the first events!

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I was there, grinding my stock Leopard I at that time (7.7) against entire lobbies full of IS-7 (8.0). It was horrible experience. Still got a PTSD from it until this day. IS7 spam was the sole reason Leopard I moved to 7.3 and IS-7 moved up to 8.3.

Yes, I agree. But not 750k score rare. That´s just madness. 500k would have been much more reasonable while keeping the vehicle still rare.

Incorrect. Tokushu Heiki 810k points got 3x LOSAT.
This event 750k for 1x T80.
That is just bad. Very very bad.

I don´t know what Gaijin´s end goal here is, but before entire playerbase participated even when they were not interested in the vehicles. They just wanted to sell and that´s ok. But now? Alot of people will just avoid this event, even the sellers will avoid it. Sure, the coupons will sell for much much higher prices, but there will only be handful of them on the marketplace making Gaijin a net loss in the end.

What is more 100 x 100GJN or 2000 x 20GJN? Maybe fire that guy who got his economic degree during communism and get some real economist on board instead, Gaijin.

Going to have to disagree. A stock, non-premium for $50 is entirely too high. Just as I don’t have to pay a ridiculous amount if I don’t like it, you can also just not grind it out solely for the intention of selling it. Goes both ways. $10-15 seems incredibly fair.

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shorter event sure, but more time played per day needed per vehicle. so the total amount of mission points for the same calendar time is bigger.

Buddy only people defending fomo are people most affected by it, because they NEED to collect ever single vehicle in game, they need to do activity that is COMPLETLY OPTIONAL for whatever esoteric reason they come up with.

Being slightly worse than the others, is not a good way to measure an event. Especially when the entire gaming industry is becoming abusive towards its customers.

We should respect ourselves more than that. We need to hold Gaijin to higher standards.

So it’s good to put in the same effort for two things before if you get one thing now. Apply that logic to pizzas and try to convince people your new “half a pizza for the same price as a full pizza” is in their best interests and they shouldn’t complain. Let us know how that goes.

As far as “if all you’re interested in is the vehicle,” time has increased by a factor of 12% ( 45000 being greater than 40000 ) and another factor of ~10% (16 days out of 18 at that pace instead of 16 out of 20). Total price increase for the same thing that you don’t want consumers to say anything about is around 20%. If gas prices go up 20% do you stand at the pump and tell people “this is fine” too?

Easieat way to do this is to NOT participate in the event.

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Beg to differ on that considering I was there also, never saw more than 2-3 in lobbies, ironically I saw more in the last 12 months than I did during after hours of the event but I guess thats subjective so agree to disagree on this.

And as I said thats ONLY for the coupon portion… if all you want is the vehicle the score/time is identical to previous events so its not unreasonable at all. any anyone who has done the typical 2 or 3 vehicles at once in stars events also doesnt change here for them. all this change has done it prevent any Tom, Dick and Harry from grabbing a coupon (bots included) and massively devaluing the market coupons.

LOSAT was a crafting event… not even comparable but sure, last stars event “winter event” literally had Mark of Distinction requiring 40k score… per star per vehicle coupon and to get 10 marks it was 400k total for 2 vehicles it 800k total

its currently 750k for 1 vehicle coupon but the 8 previous stages are 45k so its 5k more per stage but its also 1 less stage overall vs the 10 marks you originally needed. time/score wise its identical to 1 vehicle in previous stars events UNTILL you get to the coupon which is 2 vehicles worth of time. your arguing over nothing

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yes because its clear you dont understand how the market works or how value is determined by rarity… come back on the 19th when this event vehicle is worth double the previous stars event vehicles. thats why putting the same effort into one vehicle is better because it means the value goes up due to less ppl will be interested in going for the coupon.

if anything putting time into 2 vehicles is what ruined those events because it made them stupidly easy to get thus ruining any rarity and effort you put into them when obtaining them which is what events are really meant to do if you have played ANY other event in ANY other game before

No, not more time.
My average time spent in WT matches per day may be 2.5 - 3 hours since 2018, but I can tell you this… most of that came from the older events.
I don’t like playing specific vehicles, I hate being forced to play specific vehicles. Which is why I hated those events and they took so long.
The end of meta vehicles was a net positive to War Thunder.
2019: When activity was harder to attain BTW.



Here are my thoughts on this.

I am indifferent to the decision to spread the events across the entire year and have them be back to back. I will still skip all naval events and most ground prizes just like I could in the old system so I am not opposed to this. However I would like there to be a larger break between the events, 5 to 7 days would be good. I know some people prefer the old system but I think this is just preference and it’s impossible to make everyone happy here.

Now onto the requirements. I don’t like the increase from 40K to 45K. You are doing more work for the same reward, but that isn’t the worst part. The worst part is that you now need 750K to get the tradable coupon for the vehicle. Why??? You needed 400K during previous events, why such a drastic change now? You would expect the requirements to go down now that the grind is no-stop year round, not the opposite. I think it should go down to 35K for top tier vehicles. Even better, make it so that req = max((vehicle_rank - 1), 1) * 5000 points.. Remove the “parallel path” for the tradable coupon, just make it the last stage in the event like it was until now.

Another thing I didn’t like both with the previous system and this one (because it’s the same) is the 2 day duration for missions. Why not make it a single mission that lasts the entire event? This allows people to take a break when they want to, which I don’t think is a problem since player retention is going to be higher now since the events are back to back. Also allow people to buy a mission at a reduced price if they have some points spent on it (you pay 500GE instead of 1000 if you completed the mission 50%).

Another thing I dislike with these events is that I don’t think they are balanced across gamemodes. I feel like ground takes much longer to complete the missions but that might be just my skill issue. I would like other’s opinion on this.

Please bring back older rewards back so that people who didn’t get them have a chance again. I get that you want these vehicles to be exclusive, but I think there should be reruns since a lot of players simply didn’t play the game when these vehicles were available, or simply weren’t able to do the events then.

This just feels like a way to push even more FOMO and to further nerf the ways you can get GJN while participating in these events, and lowering the chances to get event vehicles in general. These are bad changes, if your players burn out from events, they are not playing the game, and it leaves a bad taste in the mouth. I think you should seriously reconsider these changes.

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Nope. easy skip. this is insane.

Its always one step forward and two steps back with gaijin. New event format is terrible and new required points are impossible for anyone with a full time Job.

You are surfing the “we hear you” trend since the last great drama but after the roadmap was mostly done it became just a facade like the last 6 years.

Feedback is clear that the vast majority think that the required points is way too much. You claim to listen, right? Here’s the feedback: lower the overall required points. Simple as that.

With the way things are now, I would rather do a crafting event.

And as a side note to the players in this post: please dont feed the troll. In every change gaijin makes to increase the grind there’s always some people who will defend them. If you try to argue with them it will be hundreds of meaningless arguments since all they want is to disrupt. Remember: dont feed the troll.


In that case, what is everyone complaining about so much?

If the time and effort of those grinding this vehicle is of so little value that those intending to sell it (which requires DOUBLE the grind, by the way) barely deserve $10 for it, then there should be no complaints regarding its grind.

If you think 3 hours of grind for 19 days (so 57 hours in total) is worth $10… then no one should be complaining about needing to grind half that amount for their vehicles!

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Old events: 40k mission points per 2 days
This event 45k mission points per 2 days (about 2.5 more matches per 2 days if you are a good player)
Old events: 8 stars for vehicle (i.e 320k total)
This event: 8 stars for vehicle (i.e 360k total) (about about 20 more matches played for the total period)
Old events: making the coupon tradeable: 10 stars (2 more than vehicle, making it 80k extra points)
This event: making the coupon tradeable: 750k-360k=340k more points than the vehicle.

so for just the vehicle its around 20 extra matches and at 15min a match that’s 5 hours more you need to play. (30 min extra per day)
and to make it tradeable its 260k extra points in total MORE than before. lets say you get an average of 2k points per game (after modifiers) that’s 130 games you need to play. in 18 days that’s 7.2 games extra per day. at 15 min per game that is 1h 48min extra PER DAY more than before.

in total 1h 48min + 30 min = 2h 18min more per day of playing than before.


Yeah, as I said my gameplan is play the events I want and take a break on vehicles I don’t want.

I adapt to the change rather than complain about not being able to use a feature I hated to begin with [the market system] anymore based on my free time available.

Cause as I said previously I dislike the tradable coupon system, and I dislike it even more now seeing statements defending the market system that has been both abused by players and a cause of stagnation for War Thunder events.

Fr, should have been a ZTZ88 or MBT-2000 variant, two Chinese tanks produced during other dragon years. Not some random-ass Russian MBT.