Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

just when i was starting to become happy again with the game you hit us with this like that?
bro we have to grind 80k points every cycle just to make it tradeable like wtf
i guess if i don’t see any improvement in this i’m not renewing my premium subscription this year and i’m not buying anymore veichles :((
very dissatisfied with the br changes also and with the way you manage battleratings


Because they earn more from people buying stages for GEs. High market prices serve as a disincentive to just wait and buy the vehicle for peanuts immediately after the event. The prices of event vehicles were getting low and this was weakening the incentive to buy stages.

Score earned is counted towards both star AND coupon upgrade, not separately.

Score required to upgrade coupon is not timegated like stars are, you can earn 750k points at any time of event.

Even day one, theoretically.

Though to get the coupon in the time frame you would need to average approximately 40k per day (or 80k per 2 day period)

I mean for me, it’s extra time I can do other things with.
I never needed GJN, it was just a nice bonus sometimes.
I get what you mean though.

A feature that is seeing legal challenges around the world.
And a feature that Gaijin may want to pull at some point either to simplify their game’s code or to otherwise get ahead of laws.

As I stated prior, I think it’s Gaijin getting ahead of laws and/or moving to simplify the game some & have less overhead to use elsewhere.

Also Gaijin will always have earned more from GE sales during Mirage 2000’s event than future events, purely cause people won’t be buying GE to get the tradable.

Also what do you think exploiting people in business means? XD

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I highly doubt that to be the case, people spending a lot of GE on a vehicle they know nothing about in a very specific time period of a few weeks isn’t going to be more lucrative than having thousands of these vehicles for sale over the years, it’s also a bold assumption to assume that if people can’t buy a vehicle for $20 on the market they directly 1:1 convert into people who purchase the stars for double.

Yea, but being able to catch up during days i actually have time to play is positive change.

Also what do you think exploiting people in business means? XD

Exploiting has nothing to do with the amount of profits being made, exploiting doesn’t magically stop being exploiting if it’s below a certain profit margin.

On second thought, nevermind!

That I agree with, but still doesn’t necessarily justify it being nearly twice as much, 400 to 500k would be better.

And doesn’t change the tokens themselves. A free catch up mechanic, even for the previous token would be a positive change


I’m curious what has everyone so rattled here with the 750k score? events imo should be rare and as of the last few events that have been anything but rare and it honestly devalues the event its self (not the coupon) but what events are meant to be (limited timed) with exclusive rewards.

That 750k only works out to be about 82k per 2 days which is still that of previous events if you aimed for 2 vehicles out of the 3, modifiers bring this down still and the actual “time” doesnt change if all your interested in is the vehicle and not the tradable coupon.

The only ppl complaining here are the ones who now lose out on easy GJN from the market and while this is a move from gaijin to inflate prices on the market by making them more rare, ide still take that over the previous ones just because it makes vehicles that much more exclusive, how many IS7s did you see when that event dropped? thats how events in rarity should be

Where to start…

“Call of the Drago” obviously hints towards the Lunar new year/China. Why do we get a Soviet MBT then? Odd choice

45K points and even more if you want the Trade coupon is a joke. Sure its a Tier VII vehicle but since you made the rules do not act like “we cant do anything about it”

Again the limitation to only earn progress in one mode. Why couldn’t that be lifted? Its a small qol change after all.

Its always a monkeys paw situation with you guys, if this is how you act when you “listen to players feedback” i have very low expectations for the 2024 roadmap… oh geez


This I could agree with.
While I get score done in 1 - 6 hours depending on my level of tomfoolery and which vehicle type I’m going for, not everyone has figured out how to claw out 3 hours a day of free time for War Thunder.

People still haven’t figured out that squadron activity only requires 36000 RP [it’s actually double this as it’s modification + vehicle RP for a total of 72000 RP for max activity in a squadron].
Which can take anywhere from 40 minutes to 3 hours.

Market sellers are mad they can’t pay for it anymore, and that earning it was increased to make the coupons more rare.

We got to stop defending FOMO and predatory game development. Sorry, but no. Game events should be easily accessible to as many players as possible and reasonable in the requirement to achieve the reward. Event vehicles shouldn’t be some elitist badge. There are way too many vehicles now that are impossible to get because Gaijin refuses to rerun them.


I figured the opposite, which is why I am ultimately not minding this, from my personal angle.

For some time, event vehicles have barely been selling for 15-25 GJC for the most part.

Now, since the requirements seem to be a bit too high for most people, it may mean those of us seeking to profit may be getting benefited!

Higher demand plus lower offer should allow us to sell the vehicles for more than 17 GJC, which is what I got, for example, for the Vilkas…

it’s still insane tho

this is that this way they alienate everyone who has a job/school and a family.
vehicles from events should be hard to get yes, but not impossible for a whole group of people.
They should make it a challenge, not a mindless grind for point against a ticking clock.

Crazy to see people think they should get more for a non-premium vehicle. Earlier someone was saying they wish the T-72 Moderna would go up. What’s it at right now, $220? Why the hell would I fork over that for a regular vehicle? I think $10-15 is more than a fair.


FOMO is going to be in any event because someone will lose out at some point due x reason… so lets get that out of the way first. secondly FOMO only becomes an issue when its blatantly abused in games like Destiny 2 where FOMO is a massive issue, but in WT most of these event vehicles are either prototypes or special variants of existing stuff, so yes FOMO will exist but what are you exactly wanting here if your so against FOMO? because like I said no matter what you do, events will have a degree of FOMO there is no getting around this.

except they are not… or did you just read the 750k score and that was it. the 8 stages are using the EXACT same score as previous events per 1 vehicle that had 3 vehicles up for grabs, so NOTHING has changed here for obtainability to your account. the ONLY thing that has changed is being able to obtain the “coupon” to sell on the market which is now double i.e. its worth the time you would have put into 2 vehicles out of the 3 in previous star events.

So your FOMO logic imo still doesnt hold water here because not only have gaijin made it so 1 vehicle is obtainable vs the typical 3 BUT because its 1 vehicle per event it creates less FOMO if all you want is the vehicle and not the coupon… this legit ONLY hurts ppl who want to make a quick sale on the market thus devaluing the rarity and appeal of events


Reduce this to 35,000 score and you’ve finally fixed the event system.