Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

To be one start short you’d actually need to be able to get any start, something at least 95% of players won’t be able to do and have to cough up full price regardless if they want it.

My Chinese new year vacation coincidentally cover the whole event… GJ gaijin I have to keep working in warthunder

Except GE sales don’t increase, they only decrease.
Cause the people that were spending GE to get the tradable coupon now cannot do that, so that money flow is gone.
And the people that wanted all 3 vehicles of previous events spent the GE already.

The normal game BTW is supposed to be stress free.
Events are supposed to be extra challenge.

And you are doing the same… In case of Winter event you had to commulatively play for 960 battles if we assume that each one was worth 1000 points. Across 20 or so days. Meaning 48 battles per day on average.

Now with new system at worst case you need to play 23 battles per day but for much longer. (To get all 3 vehicles) I cant help but I see it as plus for people with less time to spare.

Nah, because they’re counting on FOMO. A lot of players will get close to 45k in two days… Close enough they won’t want to waste that effort anyway. Because “the tank gonna be so expensive… I’ll do better tomorrow.”

If you’re susceptible to that kind of manipulation you don’t think what the total cost is gonna be. They take the $100 from you in slices.

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I agree, it’s about half the effort of the previous event (at max participation, to own, apples to apples). The person I was responding to was saying it was a third the effort.

That must be for low tier right
i don’t know how people play arcade

Preying on stupidity then, but even then it still doesn’t make sense for an event, if people struggle to get it the first time around and realize there’s 8 more days to come they’d give up, and future events they won’t even bother at all.

Creating an event that is predatory, nefarious, abusive and unhealthy just to prey on vulnerable players rather than to just create a normal event designed for normal people that generates them even more money is wild.

Either way, there are still 12.3 days where you have to earn 120k, and it doesn’t matter which order you do it in. There absolutely wasn’t enough time to do 2 stars for 1 day and 1 star another, and even then that’s near double to what you’re complaining about.


Again, we can all check the numbers in the queues (and what tier) by queueing, no one has to take my word on this. Ground AB is much more popular than RB.

This is a normal event.
You can’t complain about them making the event better for non-payers then beg them to make the event more profitable for them.
Those are opposites.
Predatory inherently means it’ll be more profitable for them, but this new system cuts profits, not increases them.
If it was predatory, they wouldn’t separate tradable from non-tradable.
They wouldn’t end the paying of tradable coupons if this was predatory.

If I as a company want people to spend money I don’t remove features that allow people to pay their way through things.
However, Gaijin did remove the ability to pay for tradable coupons, which is the opposite of predatory.

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That just wild to me i thought no one played AB


Where does it cut profits?
If anything, they’ll make even more considering that many will just wave money in front of screen.
And we still don’t know how much will marks even cost
For all we know, they might even bump up the cost of marks to 1499GE instead of original 999GE


Gaijin should design events that encourage teamplay and player harmony, rather than turn teammates against each other. Events should be easier, not harder than normal gameplay… Ever increasing grind requirements is NOT how you reward your dedicated player-base.


The amount of points for the vehicle is 360,000 after the multiplier.
750,000 is irrelevant unless you’re intending get rid of it.


Those people already waved money at the screen for all previous events. Nothing changes with that group of people.
The thing that changes is the playerbase that purchased GE specifically to get their vehicle on the market can no longer do so. Which is a net positive change, and will significantly reduce profits for Gaijin.

Was going to do that, at least for air. Make some extra cash from selling the aircraft. Probably won’t now

I don’t think you get the actual logic that has motivated this decision. Just to be clear I think the market is bad and coupons should not be tradeable at all, but we should have re-runs of old events instead. So what follows is not my opinion, but my interpretation of what Gaijin is thinking.

The event exists to present Gaijin with a win/win situation. If you grind the event for free, you’re playing a lot, ergo you’re populating lobbies, ergo you’re keeping queue times down, the game “stays relevant” etc etc.

If the grind is too much for you, you have an incentive to spend 40 bucks or something along those lines and get the vehicle this way.

All well and good. But there is a problem.

Over the years, veteran players have figured out that you can just not do the event and then buy the vehicle from the marketplace for something like 20 bucks, because prices are low at first and because more people have been trying to “play the market”, thus driving down prices.

Sure, Gaijin gets a cut of that 20 bucks. But you’ve broken their win win scenario: it’s less than you would be spending by GEing stages, and you’re also not playing the game more than usual.

They obviously want to address that very aggressively. Now, you know that if you miss out on the vehicle, it’s going to cost you more than GEing stages you miss. Maybe even a lot more. So you have an incentive to either grind or pay.

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Nothing normal about this.

You can’t complain about them making the event better for non-payers then beg them to make the event more profitable for them.

How in the world is this better? Literally everyone loses.

Predatory inherently means it’ll be more profitable for them

How does predatory equal more profits? Predatory means exploiting someone, it has nothing to do with increasing profits and it never has.

this new system cuts profits

Including their own, 200 IQ right there.

If it was predatory, they wouldn’t separate tradable from non-tradable.

That doesn’t even make sense.

If I as a company want people to spend money I don’t remove features that allow people to pay their way through things.
However, Gaijin did remove the ability to pay for tradable coupons, which is the opposite of predatory.

You can be predatory and not increase your profits, it’s an outcome of being incompetent and not comprehending basic business or not able to run a simple business and instead having to turn to predatory practices, you trying to redefine the definition of predatory and try to make it seem that as long as you’re not making more money it’s not predatory is crazy.


““The “Upgrade for coupon” item can be earned in parallel with the stages throughout the event from February 1st (11:00 GMT) until February 19th (11:00 GMT) for 750,000 mission points.””

I don’t know Rick…it seems like ♥♥♥♥ to me.
It was better when to make it tradable you just had to farm other 2 cycles and not kill yourself for a vehicle.
And 45000 per cycle is a lot; wasn’t 40000 good enought?


What do you buy stars with? GE.

I’m sure they’ve done the math and giving everybody a chance to buy stars for vehicles every two days forever is going to get them more GE sales than expensive market place sales do. As Miragen correctly pointed out, they actually make more money from GE sales when market vehicles are cheaper and less rare. This, the whole new event system this kicks off, a play for a daily week-over-week steady stream of star purchases, which not only includes console players but also leverages player stress to increase net GE sales year round instead of three times a year.

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