Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

I’m telling you, if because of what the devs have done in these last two years the game has not gone to total ruin, no matter how much they do it will not go to ruin.

You mean it just makes it worse, and lets not pretend Gaijin isn’t directly responsible for it.

Yeah, despite all their best efforts to ruin it, doesn’t explain why they keep punching themselves in the face.

Events should be treated as a reward for our dedication to the game. A nice stress-free departure from normal gameplay to earn a unique vehicle.

They shouldn’t be used as a tool to steal more time from the players.


This right here, this is what everybody should focus on. Events should be fun and accessible not a grind.


Because they get more GE from us buying stars than the marketplace. So a product strat that extends star purchases from three times a year to year round will increase their revenue. The market sales are only secondary here.

That approach ended this month when they took events year round.


It makes no difference how many stars you needed, you had to put in triple the playtime under the same exact timeframe.

You seem to love crying about 45k for 2 days, but 120k every 2 days isn’t that bad because you only had to do it for 16 days, not 18!

I’m done talking to people like you.

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Because they are almost sure that most of the players are going to eat the shit they have done, just that.
I am clear about it, every day I am playing more or less the same games (between 12 to 18), if I get something right, if not also, at the end of the day I have the ticket for the T-80UD and the T-72 modern, and above all a lot of patience to wait for them to be worth a good amount of gaijin points (as long as I can buy between 4 or 6 high-level premium tanks for each one is enough for me).

Then just drop the whole event charade and sell the vehicle as a premium, it’s their game, they created a whole event they don’t want us to participate in and a marketplace they do not want us to use, then just put this thing on sale for a $100 and be done with it.

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That is very wierd way how to calculate it. Since there needed to be significant overlap. You ended up with at least 4 days of all 3 overlaping - so 120000 and on other days it was 80000.

While average is correct it is extremly misleading.

So, you know you’re coming across as dumb as a bag of rocks here right?

I did grind all three vehicles at Christmas, to keep. I only needed 24 stars for that, which I collected at an average rate across the event of 1.2 stars a day. Or 96k adjusted score every two days. For three vehicles to keep.

This is 45k for one vehicle to keep. That is the apples to apples comparison that eludes you. One third the value for half the effort.

Gaijin has been making bank on players’ bad math skills for years, case in point.

It’s just as misleading to say the current event is only 22.5k score a day. Why isn’t it 45k a day? “Because you have two days to do the thing.” Exactly the same rule applies. Work is effort /time. I had 20 days to collect 24 stars. On 4 days I collected two.


Wow. This is insane, 750k points 0_o That’s highly disappointing.

Also why is it “Call of the Dragon” for a USSR/Russia vehicle? That makes zero sense, why not a Chinese vehicle/prototype of some sort?

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But then they couldn’t count on the year-round star income, the second level of premium, the new system is designed to create.

Month over month, “always an event now” income will always be better that three revenue spikes a year.

They’re still gonna be doing the store premiums, this is changing how they distribute event vehicles to maximize player outlays (mostly through star purchases), because as has been said, the old event system was too friendly to players to sustain.

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Because gaijin thinks dragons are Russia


How so?

Unless you paid for the stars, I don’t see you getting 3 stars with 1.2 per day.

At the least they could bring something unique and cool for the event like E-100, Ersatz M10 or Panther 2 but no, his main secret weapon is another T-ovarish flying turret 80 LOL

Im going recover this from the past…

It seems the community as a whole has decided the 45k point cost is too high lmao

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What’s the difference between selling a vehicle every 3 weeks for a $100 or pretending there’s an event every 3 weeks where you can buy stars with GE for a $100?

Well you have trouble multiplying 20*1.2 for starters.

Also you were done talking to me, remember? Don’t you have a trivial 4,000 point game to win or something?

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Because there are people who can spend $100 on a digital tank no problem.

And there are lots more people who are gonna be just one star short, or one game short of a star, and pay $5, no problem. And another $5 two days later. And another, and another.