Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

What in the anti-consumer bs is this, this is how you start another review bomb because this is not doable for anyone that does anything other then play this game for 18 hours a day. Gaijin you have some screws loose.


I think they realized that less vehicles being sold for insane amounts of money on the market is going to net them more money from whales than many cheap vehicles for a low price, i think this explains the insane grind. I would rather have no vehicle at all or hell i would rather have it be a premium than this weird scheme to sell some pixels for hundreds/thousands of dollars

By what logic? Selling a 1000 vehicles for a $1 would be way better than selling 1 vehicle for a $1000 when it comes to business, and they take the same cut regardless.

Consider you are not timegated on score needed for tradable coupon.

You will grind 22.5k score every day anyway if you want the prize, and youre free to grind the remaining 18-20k score per day whenever convenient.

maybe its because its not guaranteed for them to sell 1000 cheap vehicles, while super rare expensive ones sell much better (ie e100, is 7, obj279, etc)

Not 750.
750k is if you want to sell the vehicle, which if you don’t want the vehicle… you’re not forced to play the event.

Many might grind an event, even for a vehicle they dont want specifically so they can sell it. Now to do so, they have to put in twice the work for no additional gain. Which means gaijin is specifically targeting the people who dont want the vehicle. Probably because they are making too much money from selling event vehicles

How could it possible be easier to sell something really expensive than something cheap?

I would spend a $100 on 10 vehicles but I would never spend a $100 on 1, Gaijin would make the same amount of money either way, but in the latter they end up making none.

BRUH… Atleast try to lie better.

Turm3 is still missing it’s 3 plane stab, which literally was the main feature in their pre-order advertisement.
That makes the vehicle non-functional, as its entire point is that 3 plane stab.

Strv103. Do i need to say more?


They’re targeting people who spend money on GE that then buy the stars to sell the vehicle.
That’s who they’re targeting.
AKA they’re reducing their profits.

You were able to grind 20k a day to get tradable vehicle in Winter Event.
Yes, you can get a vehicle easier now, but many players were selling event vehicles to get premium packs or other vehicles on sales or in market. Not only whales but normal players with spare time too. Now it will be much harder.

There is also the topic of sharing good information first, then sharing the rest of crappy info that changes the entire event. Again. Check the previous post on Obj292 vs the new one. Its the “50% birthday sale” all over again.

How could that be an issue, the money their earn is Gaijin’s currency, from which Gaijin takes a cut and can only be spend on Gaijin products, that is pure profit for them.

yes they get a cut. but now that player isnt spending X amount of money on GE. They are using the bucks they earned in game from selling the vehicle. Which would have likely been more money than they get from the cut.

Its a potential net loss for them.

But that money has to come from somewhere, which is money someone else paid for the vehicle.

True. Player A has to buy the bucks in the first place. Forgot that bit, though I sitll think part of the reason for 750K for things to be tradable is directly to do with reducing the amount of people who sell the event vehicles. Either to reduce the amount people are making or to inflate the prices.

750k score in little over two weeks…
Well, I can’t tell that I’m surprised…

Gaijin seems to not want people to spend money on getting the tradable coupon. Which is an idea I support partially cause it ends the stock market nonsense of the player market.

That’s the beauty of it, the FOMO works both ways. Set the price high, it encourages regular players to play hard and buy stars when they fail, because the vehicle is going to be so expensive they’ll never get it the other way unless they buy it with stars right now.

As I’ve said elsewhere, best way to look at the new event system is expanding event star sales into a second level of premium time. On top of that, they want you to buy a star every two days, for the full year now, if you want access to all the gated content.

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You only needed 8 of 10 stars each if you weren’t selling. The most accurate comparison is to average output, so 96k is the correct comparison value.

Your point on “5k every two days” when we’re talking sellable, where that doesn’t apply here, is so tangled i won’t even bother. My point stands, you were comparing vehicles to sell then with vehicles to keep now. Apples and oranges math.

None of which actually benefits Gaijin, because we’re dealing with a virtual product that exists in infinite amounts and has no production costs attached to it beyond the initial one.

If they sold a physical product in limited amounts it would make sense to have them be rare and valuable, but in this case you’d want to sell as many as possible because everything is pure profit, so Gaijin is shooting themselves in the foot.

Look at the 234/4, from late 2020 to early 2022 they sold sold 21 vehicles in 16 months for about a 1000 average… so $21.000.


Then they added it to a crate, and from mid 2022 to later 2023, they sold probably 20-30 a month for roughly $250 average, over 16 months that’s 400 vehicle sales for a $100.000,


That quintupled their profits by increasing vehicle availability, it allowed 400 players to get a vehicle they wanted and 400 players to get money for a vehicle they didn’t want to spend on a vehicle they did want, which means 800 players are benefitting from the outcome, 800 players who interacted with the marketplace, who are more likely to play the game, spend more money on the game etc.

I cannot think of any reason why a company would prefer the restrict vehicle availability and lose money whilst pissing off their players and scaring off new ones.

I cannot come to any other conclusion that Gaijin is grossly incompetent.