Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

45k points every 2 day for something you guys said you want to keep up for almost the whole year is honestly way too much. This will get old very quickly.
And the 750k points to get the upgrade is just an ABUSRD raise on top of that! What warrents this raise? Inflation too hot pass? It used to be 2 more tasks to upgrade but now you almost double it!


Ah i see, youre special ed class.

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Nice ratio, Gaijin. Maybe rethink the requirements again before it goes live?


Glad you figured that out.
You’re one step closer to figuring out that it’s significantly slower than gaining score elsewhere.

So is comparing 750k to 405k, let alone ignoring the tier multipliers.

This is 1 vehicle, not 3.
This is 45k every 2 days in ground.
This is not 2 days to get 40k in air, 40k in ground, and 40k in naval.

In Winter Extreme it was 40k per star, with 3 stars to earn every 2 days.

Are you not complaining about vehicles to sell here? It’s +5k every 2 days. It is nearly the exact same as 1 vehicle from the prior event, and now you have time to get all 3.

That is the entire point of this. To make it harder to obtain for the singular reason of sale.

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But there will still be many people trying, and if they see that they do not get the amount, in the next event they will lower the requirements a little, that is why they will also do consecutive events, so if they do not get what they are interested in, in the next one they change it a little until they get what they want, in the end most of the players there are no longer going to go somewhere else, they have time to do tests, their goal is that there are many people playing and that many of them They don’t get the prize, so they get a little more money from the players who buy the stages they need.

That doesn’t’ make sense, why would you make an event that is designed to make people try and fail?

The worst thing about the stupid things Gaijin does is that it’s actually stupid from all angles, you can’t even justify it with money or corporate nonsense, it’s outright stupidity and incompetence.

We need to start off with the right message. BOYCOTT THIS EVENT.

Gaijin is smoking crack with their 750k BS.


Its ground and its soviet. Was already planning too


I don’t know, I know that they are incompetent, but they are not idiots, if they do it it is because they know that it will not affect the number of players, I imagine that because they do not have direct competition and that the players who were going to leave the game have already done so. years gone, now they are only there to collect the profits.

I’m not even a ground forces player, and I feel insulted. Unless we make ourselves clear, this despicable trend will continue.

These task requirements aren’t designed for the gamers, they’re designed for the stake holders

Yea I’m not happy about the vehicle ether like it’s totally got nothing to do wth the event theme ether.

Yeah, not looking forward to it when an aircraft I want comes around (though those are really rare) if nothing else, dreading the bot spam in SB for poeple just grinding the 750k

Yup. Gameplay and community health is only gonna get worse.

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This doesn’t earn them money, this doesn’t earn them money and hurts their already lousy reputation in the industry.

To be honest, I don’t want to criticize gaijin’s behavior as a critic all the time. From an objective point of view, I only agree with half of this event.
For friends who want to earn some GJN, an event goal score of up to 750K is too difficult. If they want to achieve their goals, they have to become slaves to the game and have to make choices in life and the game.
All I can say is that I agree with your idea of “Reduce pressure” and that it’s a good start for players who just want to get the vehicle (although the target score is still a little high).But exchange exchange coupons with a score of 750k are totally unacceptable.

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Yep, especially as EVERYONE will now be farming air, and not just those that chose air over the other 2. This is not going to be fun.

I just hope that we actually get good event vehicles and even mix among all nations and this not just flip-floppping between US and USSR vehicles 90% of the time

This will be decided by us players, and from what we usually see these last two years, that people do not usually complain about anything, it seems to me that this will not affect the game much.

Creating an event with a net zero outcome is still stupid.

So before we could farm 40k points a day and unlock 2 tradeable coupons, and now we have to grind 40k a day to get one.

It’s always the same thing, over and over. One step forward, two steps backwards. You give us good information, playerbase gets happy and then you dump the rest of information that changes everything to worse. And you said you wanted to improve communication with players…

You just dont want us to win for once, huh?