Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

They have made it harder to sell the vehicles for gaijin, with which people would be premium time or premium vehicles, meaning people have to spend more money to buy these things or do another 80k per vehicle.

It is 5k extra score over the course of 2 days. You aren’t going to die.

Now you can go for all 3 vehicles without having to hack off your arm due to carpal tunnel.

They’ve made efforts to avoid senseless resale of vehicles across every event. This is one of them. There is nothing different that you have to do to obtain the vehicle itself.

How is resale senseless when it literally prints Gaijin money and allows people who don’t have infinite free time to actually obtain some of these vehicles?

Nobody benefits.

Why are you asking me?

It’s the same amount of time per vehicle as every prior event for the last 2 years.
The only difference being that you have the opportunity to get every vehicle.

I don’t have to prove anything if you are that lazy to check server replay that has all matches, my point was that events should be made for average players playing the most popular game modes, not just for top players playing top tier in a certain game mode.

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I myself could do 40k, I didnt enjoy it, it was a grind. I 100% have more time that the average player, some of which could not even do 40k over two days. Now gaijin wants them to do 45k over two days.

This whole ‘instead of 3 lots of 40k its only one 45k’ is a terrible argument, look at the average players.

1 vehicle then was 40k a stage.
1 vehicle now is 45k a stage.

Conclusion the grind for 1 vehicle is harder.

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I’m asking you why it’s senseless because you call it senseless.

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Ah yes, quikmaffs.
810000 / 3 = 750000.
Please, stop embarrassing yourself.

I will whine about it because it’s BS. Who are you to tell me what to do? Especially after spouting such nonsense here in the past few hours.

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its what i tried to tell him too the avg player cant do it its why i said 30k for 2 days or 45k for 3 days


My main issue with this, is that everyone has to do ground mode in order to achieve the event. I am pretty sure the servers will not cope with that, (poor hamster) since they tend to struggle during normal events when the player base is split between Air, Naval and Ground.

You should be able to earn the points regardless of game mode.


It was to be expected, these events are created to keep players playing as long as possible, especially without having to solve the terrible problems of the game. It is really a good idea that gaijin has had, so they can maintain the number of players by having The game is a shame due to the bugs and imbalances, a true genius.

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dont forget the tryhards coming out of every corner that will play in the most toxic and annoying way possible to get it done super fast


And everyone who doesn’t care still gets to suffer from the OP vehicle spam, abusing poor map design, spawn camping, CAS abuse, helicopter abuse, seal clubbing and people creating 4 man squads.


Is it really senseless though?

In this thread there’s been certain people making arguments like “don’t want to grind? just buy it”, and “go work, wash a couple of cars”

Ok, what if I wanted to buy it, but the price is ludicrously high?

Increasing the requirements for the tradable coupon has one critical effect, it limits the quantity of vehicles on the market, driving up the price.

If you’ve been on the forum in the last couple of months you’ll have seen that highly inflated market prices of event vehicles is a hot topic, many see it as a serious problem.

This seemingly arbitrary increase in upgrade coupon requirement is not helping.

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“youre lazy if you dont have link to a 3 year old post on old forums ready” is rather bold take.

a justified one tho

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The older events took 20 days for 3 vehicles. The grind was hard but you could take a long break after if you needed to.

To get 3 vehicles now it would take, based on this event, 54 days. Then after those 54 days you might get a week break if you want the next vehicle.

Indeed and I hate to think what impact this will have on new players to the game facing all the grind toxicity as well as the steep learning curve. Might start seeing new player numbers drop significantly since the events are now virtually non-stop.


I kinda doubt that.

Problem is that 99% of people isn’t going to be able to do this and thus won’t participate at all beyond maybe trying to get 1 or 2 of the tasks for a decal.

MMOs have figured out the solution a long time ago by just having a few daily tasks and daily login bonus that gets people to login and play the game for a bit, keeping the game relevant and keeping player numbers up, but sadly War thunder isn’t developed by an intelligent being.