Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

It’s the same amount as all prior score-based vehicles for the last 2 years

stop defending it think about every player its too much for the avg player


Wrong. It’s 19 days.

LoL, LMAO even. I am an above average player and getting 2500 score is considered a great game. Not something trivial.

That’s 2 vehicles less for essentially the same amount of score. I think you have a screw loose in your head.

Tokushu Heiki took 5,5h on average a day for 14 days to get the 810k score and I got 3x LOSAT coupon out of it. This event is 750k score for 1 vehicle which will take about 5 hours a day for me to complete. That’s between 90-100h in total. This is madness. It’s almost a second full time job.


And your source to say otherwise?
Old forum had a thread about it, but check server replays and count, there are more Ground AB matches, even without counting the newbie battles that only exist in AB.

1700 per hour is 45000 in 20 hours. Since you said 10 hours per day, that means 20 hours per stage.

I see you’ve come to attack the community.

If Gaijin would make much more money if players could buy stages by GE, paying proportional to how much score is left.

Because personally I never going to pay full price of 999GE for a stage when I miss few thousand score, but I might be willing to pay 99GE if I miss 4.5k score for example.

This is how microransactions should work and makes most money.


Burden of proof lies on the person making the claim.

I was asking for your source.

It’s the same amount as every prior score-based event.

If you don’t like it, don’t play it.

I didnt like grinding 40k for one vehicle, i didnt like grinding 80k for two vehicles and i certainly dont like grinding 45k for one vehicle. It has been made easier for me who went for two vehicles each event yes, but for people who have less time and only went for one vehicle in previous events, it has gotten harder.
It is a bad change.

Also instead of a big grind over a month, its now a continuous grind throughout the year if I want all or most of the vehicles. The winter event still also exists.


thats a good idea lowering the GE price depending on how much score you already have

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Because we just have to pretend that the coupon doesn’t even exist anymore to have this conversation seem humane at all.
And that only adds up to 34k anyways.

i see you dont get it you think about yourself and thats it

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I just wanna remind ya’ll that in the previous event “Winter extreme” you could get

J9 Early, and tradable Mirage 2000C-S4 for 10 stages, 40k score each, total 400k score.

Tradable Vilkas for 10 stages, 40k score each, total 400k score.

This event we can get the tradable T-80 for 750k score, just 50k short of both tradable reward vehicles in the winter event.

With the current score requirements, this new system is not an upgrade, this is really bad


Yes, because ~34k is the in-match score you need to get 45k after multipliers.

They’d make a lot more money if it was a game for actual people.

You’re late to the party.

It’s something trivial for a great game, as I said.

It’s 2 vehicles less for 1/3 the score.

If you’re going through this much work just to sell it, then go ahead. If not, quit whining about it.

That is assuming you play a specific mode at a specific BR, that is assuming people even have vehicles at that BR.

750000 points is unreasonable.What is the difference between this score and the assembly activity?This is not about reducing the burden on players, it’s about forcing them to work.You deceived the player.The best solution is to change the score required for periodic activities back to marathon activities!


Thats assuming you had time to grind 40k score per day while being timegated.

Between work and family, 40k a day wasnt doable for me at all, especially in the middle of week.

I have no issues with the new system thats rougly 40k score a day.


Because i can catch up with the score requirement for tradable coupon when have time since im not timegated and can do it whenever.

Being timegated to make 20/22.5k score a day? Doable.

Being timegated to make 40k score a day? Hell no.

And this is 405k for the vehicle. That was 1.2M for all 3 top prizes.
It’s still on par with every single prior vehicle.

They’ve made efforts to avoid senseless resale of vehicles across every event. This is one of them. There is nothing different that you have to do to obtain the vehicle itself.