Call of the Dragon: Earn the Object 292!

Consider an average player and consider the most played game mode which is Ground AB and that is a lot more matches daily to reach the difference. I’m not a bad player and I don’t use myself as a standard for Gaijin events that are meant for everyone.

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It isn’t a prototype, it was a testbed that saw extensive use and research.

None of these were designed, 2 of which being entirely made up while the 3rd was a mockup turret slapped onto a Panther hull. None of these were functional, nor ever saw testing.

It was a brawling map that was removed a year ago. That isn’t a long time, nor was it a good map in terms of balancing and pathing.

as always most out of touch Devs…How about you actually LISTEN TO US but nooo WE KNOW IT BETTER so enjoy more rioting and more negative feedback

Why would any player even bother with this event if we just were able to get a reward vehicle from a similar event for way less Points every two days?
Especially since the holidays are over. Most players will have less time.

I am happy about crafting events no longer existing but having to earn almost 100k Mission points in two days is at least as brutal as the crafting events were.

its more brutal thats like 24-28 hours for the avg player every 2 days

Then don’t play it every day? If you don’t want events that feature a large amount of grinding, then don’t play it.
If you want it without putting any work or playtime into it, the market exists for a reason.

13 hours over a 3 week expanse, oh my god! How will you ever survive???

IMO Sweatlords > 15 our of 16 player rushing cap, caping and Jing out

Sweatlords on your team:

Actually decent team mates for once.

Sweatlords against you:

A decent game thats just not shooting fish in a barrel.

Can we all agree that the majority of players dislike the 45k score a stage event? You might think that’s too easy or whatever but clearly on this forum the majority dislike it.
So it should be changed. Simple as.


This doesn’t increase profits.
If anything this reduces profit because less people will GE events.
As seen here, all the people that would GE for a tradable coupon are likely going to stop using GE for progression.
And the only GE users left will be the ones that want the vehicle permanently.

10 hours a day?
Sir, if you’re only getting 1700 score per hour… 284 score per match if you do 6 matches an hour… I can help you.

As I said, it was the first score based event.
I stopped using A-10 for events after that though as I went onto other tech trees.

Sure, I agree that a hypothetical 45k score a day event is bad.
However, this is 45k score per 2 days.
This is a 22.5k score a day event.

Surely you have source for that?

If you get less, then you can play more.

It isn’t gated behind it at all. It’s the same amount of grinding as every other prior event, except now there is room to also get the subsequent vehicles of the event.
You no longer need 120k points every 2 days across each and every mode of the game. It’s 40k every 2 days for 1 vehicle, for an event that lasts multiple months.

Not 13.5 hours over 3 weeks…

It’s 13.5 hours extra over 3 weeks, we’re talking about the incorrect estimate you made earlier.

I’m sure somebody else can calculate the total number of hours.

Server replays

That might as well read It was revealed to me in a dream

I have changed it to stage, which is what I meant, majority here still don’t like 45k a stage. Should be changed.

That’s what I was saying. I guess the meaning was lost when I tried to put sarcasm into it.

360k over 18 days in 2 day periods, 750k over 18 days to sell it.

10 hours a day?
Sir, if you’re only getting 1700 score per hour… 284 score per match if you do 6 matches an hour… I can help you.

1700 per hour is 45.000 in 10h?

can some of you just stop with the but i get this much score THINK ABOUT THE NORMAL PLAYERS ffs

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Before you didn’t like grinding 45k per 3 vehicles, now you don’t like 45k and only 45k.

Make up your mind mate. Do you want everything at once, 1 thing at a time in a timely manner, or do you just want to go to the market and buy it without effort?

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Alvis showing up like a knight in shining armor to defend gaijin for every issue with the game