Buying Top Tier

As soon as I opened the topic I fell under the table trying to hold back my laughter)
What about knowledge of maps, default routes, reconnaissance mechanics, detection, repairs and much more?..

Yeah, seeing how much ground premiums have advanced, it’s kind of weird how much worse Air premiums are.

I’m pretty much waiting on some EFT/F-16/15 premiums to grind the trees out as props and early jets are unbearable for me.
And I’m certainly not giving them money for some base bombers or fighters that barely have SARHs.

You can’t just say low tier skills don’t transfer to top tier. Of course not. But a regular player doesn’t transition from br 1 to br 12+ in a day now do they? All those things you mention are introduced gradually. Over the course of hundreds of games you learn all those things.

Trust me most people buying premium have no idea the nuance of missiles, radar, countermeasures, bfm, and tons more. And ground is worse because while I resoaen 5+ times working my butt off, and getting crew locked if I don’t, gaijin actively encourages them to leave after their 1 death since they won’t get crew locked on their only vehicle. Ground players don’t know what era is, weak spots, different ammo types etc.

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Do a level 5 player knows that ? Because some time ago someone asked in general chat how to turn on night vision

You learn that at mid/high tier

Anyway the bigger problem would be crew skill and not knowing map and vehicles ( reactive armor, reload speeds)
Other than that, I agree that more premium would be better BUT not directly on top tier, 1.3 br separation please

The solution to that is level based matchmaking, you can buy your way to top tier but can’t buy level 100, you have to earn that through playing

The issue is there are lots of people, me included who are not really interested in props or WWII jets, so for me jumping straight to what is now 11.3 and just learning was perfectly fine because it is what I found interesting to play.

If people want to play top tier but won’t take the time to learn the game, they’re just not going to have fun and will likely stop playing.

There is an argument that premium aircraft are too close to top tier now, but that is a separate issue

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yep thermals actually start at 8.3 with the m901 as far as Im aware

I can get to level 100 in Ground games without even touching Air. I’d still be a noob in that situation.

It would be fair to have separate levels for air, ground, and naval, though in the case you mentioned with your general game experience I imagine you’d pick up air quick enough if it interested you.

Personally I’m not a fan of skill or level based matchmakers, and I don’t have an issue with newer players at top tier, but they are the solution to the “problem” I was responding to.

Its that or they rely on it. You get people that use the laser range finder on sub-600m shots in tanks that basically have no bullet drop at those ranges.

often I dont use the lazer rangefinder anyways exept in extremely long shots

Two words: crew skills. Someone who buys their way into top tier as a newbie will be fundamentally at a disadvantage compared to everyone else simply because of crew skills, and especially in ground.

For your air arguments, ofc you don’t learn missiles at low tier. That’s what 8.7-10.7 does. Air introduces more and more concepts as you progress, and your tactics develop as you’re gradually introduced to more modern fights, but you’re gonna flop if you buy your way into top tier and have no idea how to even fire a missile - and yes, I’ve seen people ask how to mid-game. You turn yourself into a burden on your team for your first 500-1000 games or so. You don’t learn to hug the deck at prop tier, but you learn that radar missiles are dangerous and harder to dodge up high the moment you start running into the 9.7 MiG-21S, and then as you unlock better jets you slowly fight more powerful missiles and get used to countering them, without immediately going from 0 to 100.

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You can buy crew skill with GE

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also crew skill doesnt make you better player…

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It’s alright to be wrong

Because things like:

  • Dogfighting

  • Low speed maneuvering

  • Gunplay

  • Etc.

Are useless at top tier.

Yes, there is a lot different, with missiles and such, as well as Fox-3’s, and effective management strategies to avoid them. There is a lot different, but fundamentals and principles are the basis of flying in this game.

Not having G tolerance does really suck though

That is, objectively false dawg.


Tolerance is nothing without stamina though. (Mandatory “Pause”)

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