Bushes should be removed, or at least heavily restricted

Well, I’m actually part Israeli on my mother’s side - so I’m used to making jokes like that around my peers. Since we Jewish people are known for being penny pinching.


You know that with proper settings bushes just give away Your position?

Yes, but being able to place them on the very edge of a sharp angle shouldn’t be possible.

Lol no.

I don’t even have bushes…still no.

Like you said, it’s a legitimate tactic. Go buy your own bushes if you enjoy the game.

go on
Identify the tank

you have 2 seconds to identify it and hit its weakspot before it kills you

Aight bro, we need to see the whole body. Not just the turret lol anyhow, killing the barrel is what I would do since it has a big muzzle it’s easier to disable. Then I can take my time to identify once I see the body or the hit camera.


Looks like a Tiger.

Bushes don’t much help something the size of a house, and the bushes not even conforming in coloration fails to aid in concealment. It will stick out.

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You are not wrong. Bushes make it harder to identify a tank in certain situations. But there is more to it. Location, BR, team composition (nations), all this factors out many tanks and leaves you with a finite amount. That helps greatly to identify a tank in a certain situation for a decently serious player.
I myself bought them when they were like 3€ per 6 pack. That was right when they were introduced. I understand why they limit them these days however. Everyone would be playing a driving bush otherwise, as it boosts your competitiveness. Working against that is the current map design and mostly not exictent armor meta.
So it only significantly works on unaware players or beginners imo

I’d like this aswell. More camo options with camo nets? That’s an agreeable vibe and I dig it.

Doing the math, its probably either the Panther A or the Tiger II. Given the position of the gun. Either way, aim for the barrel, also if you had only 2 seconds your already dead either way. Cause it likely saw you first. if it didn’t then you are safe to wait and engage once it exposes its side, if it doesn’t then smoke the bastard.

I would have them the way that you can only put one kind of Bushes on the tank but you can put certain types from them 2 or 3 times on.
Like if i Put Fir on first i cant use any other, but in return i could place 1 Fir from Typ A/B, 3 Typ C and 2 Typ Ds.
The largest Bushes can be placed only 1 time cuz they are already covering a lot, the one that are long but rather small in height 2 times since they could cover the side of the Tank and from the smallest ones you could put 3 on because they are small.
With this you could decorate a tank more “symetrical historical” but you cant really cover your whole tank since you are still limited to 4(6 if premium) 3d slots.

As example the T34 1942.
I canput one Fir Typ B on the front, one Fir Typ A on top of the Turret, two Fir Typ D at each frontside and if i would feel like it 2 Fir Typ C on each turret side where the 321 is RN.
Looks like a ambush cover but the T34 is still very visible on most maps, only in certain maps/spots it would be harder to detect but that comes to the enemy how good he is.
I mean some dont even see a uncamonflaged Tank right in front of them and would just drive past it.

Let’s keep the trend going. Guess the Tank.

Screenshot 2024-03-28 114651

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Gaijin should add more camo modifications for vehicles with documented use of it that.

Bushes will always be in the game they sell like hot cakes, Gaijin doesn’t care about game balance be happy they let us shoot them off now.

the amount of bushed cannot keep that lovely Chi Nu II hidden from me


oh dear lord, Correct. Guy knows his tanks lol

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The MG gives away that its Japanese, the rather thin profile and track tell me its a Chi … chassis and the long barrel without the muzzelbreak the Chi Nu would have tell me that it is the Chi Nu II (+ winter camo)

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They arent super common and still distinguishable from environment trees and shrubbery. also normal bushes don’t move and have a barrel sticking out of them


At almost $70 USD for a premium, all bushes and camouflages should be unlocked. In actuality the Mark of Distinction for premium vehicles should open up additional slots for even more shrubs and decorations in addition to a unique camouflage.

Considering those that pay for bushes, as well as premium vehicles and time, we help keep the lights on and the game still going so maybe there’s other things f2p players to complain about. I’m sure there are.