Bushes should be removed, or at least heavily restricted

I realize that it’s a legitimate military tactic to cover a tank with camoflauge in the form of foliage, but in the context of a video game, it’s seriously disengaging for all parties involved. For the one on the receiving end, it’s very frustrating to get sniped by someone you never saw because they’ve got an entire Lowe’s gardening section on the front of their tank. For the one using the strategy, it lets you get away with bad positioning you normally wouldn’t be able to get away with. It’s not fun to get kills with, it’s not fun to get killed by, and to anyone saying “well, you should just memorize the position of every bush,” I ask you this: have YOU memorized the position of every bush?


Really? The use of bushes isn’t even that common to begin with. Let the people who want to spend real money on bushes have them. Can’t you just let them be sad enough since they spent real money to be seen less? It isn’t like there isn’t downsides to them, if you are on the wrong map you stick out like a sore thumb and it makes you a bigger target. For some people it is more engaging to be able to camouflage their vehicle because they see Warthunder as a semi-accurate simulator and camouflaging their vehicles adds to the experience.




Bushes are not the problem. Suggest you work on the concepts of cover and concealment.


Honestly, I kinda wish they’d just replace them with something less ugly lol.

It’d be cool to see bushes inspired by IRL tanks. The bushes are way too stiff right now, and it kinda makes them blend into certain maps a bit more than they probably should. By no means do I think they’re super OP god items, but they could probably use a rework due to how dated they are (especially now that certain vehicles are getting optional camo netting).

Like this for example


Leave me and my bushes alone, I need all the help I can get as I hide away in bushes as I try and get into hand to hand combat.


Maybe i am weird but i like to look at tanks and i rarely use bushes , i use them in some on my AA’s tho , but not extensively , i do agree bushes are just way to op because they hide the siluette of your tank and that can be a pain to figure out what you shoting at but i play britain so i just use APDS on them , however i am still in rank 4 so idk how is on higher tiers.


Everyone that thinks they should stay in the game is coping because they use bushes themselves…

I bought three of them but took them off all my tanks a while ago because I felt genuinely gross playing like that.

Seriously, give one good reason they should be in the game at all. One. People only want to keep them because they spent money on a gross and broken tactic.


I never use bushes because I think they look absolutely awful and can give you away more than they can help. Good try with that neat “they only want them cause them use” trick people like to pull so often.

Perhaps there is an actual reason people enjoy them. I’m sorry you have such a big problem with allowing other people to enjoy Warthunder.


Bushes aren’t really a problem, they’re a symptom of Ground RB’s gameplay design issues. Namely the silly optics-in-barrel mechanic as well as being able to see over/around cover in third-person (combined with no markers, though that in a vacuum is fine).

If those were fixed, bushes would be far less of an issue.


I have bushes. I like my bushes. And they are heavily restricted. I can only have 6.


You had to pay real money too, right? That also restricts them.

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Real lol

I did manage to get a few from battle pass trade ins. It’s like every other BP though. They can be shot off I think. I could never tell because usually the whole tank explodes before I see any fall off.

“only” ??? Most of the time it’s enough to completely hide the front of a tank, and I’m not even talking about little rat vehicles

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I fail to see how that’s a win-win. All that shows is that you do not want to learn the ability of identification. Chances are not wanting to learn how to get better at the game either.

What I think they should do is set it up like a camo you can buy. Take the Wolfpack, imagine if you could get a camo that has all the bushes already on it. It would look much better.

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How about a no. I suggest getting some bushes as they do help, just as it helps in real life. Worth the investment, trust me.



I wish they would make placing them more restricted, because you can place them in very weird spots currently, such as on the very end of a BMPs front end.

Yes, but all I did was bought 5000GE for £22, not too much for a 1 off purchase, which got me this Battle Pass with a 15 tier skip, which left me some GE to buy 3 bushes (I would like 6) and some proper decals you can’t earn.
My original comment was only supposed to induce a few chuckles, that’s why I wrote it the way I did. Maybe I should’ve put LOL at the end.

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