I’ve had a couple of instances lately, where my radar-homing missile (AIM-7F) will veer off from my locked target, and instead chase something else. I never lose lock on my target. The missile will start out going towards the target, then suddenly decide to veer off after something else in the vicinity. Is this a bug, or has something changed about how missiles work? Thanks.
Happens to all missiles, it’s just a weird spaghetti code thingy
the missile seeker finds another target which the missile likes more…
This typically happens when a ‘brighter’ Radar contact appears in the radars FOV.
Even though you are locking someone, think of your radar sort of like a flashlight, illuminating everything within an arc in front of it.
You may have locked and fired at target A, but if say, Friendly B flies between you and Target A, he’s now ‘brighter’ (even without being locked) and there’s a chance your missile just wants to hop on over to him.
Similar thing can happen with ARH’s, you lock and fire at Target A, he goes into notch and the missile loses him, and from there it’s possible for the missile to require someone else entirely.
Like IR’s, it’s just good practice to never launch SARH/ARH’s if you’ve got friendlies down range. Once they leave the rack they’re on nobodies team lol.
ohhh stop cleansing gaijin, there have been moments where i would lock a target on one side of my screen and the missile just veers off to the complete opposite end of the screen and kill another target or friendly, there was no overlapping. I’ve even checked the sensor replays and it clearly shows my radar beam locked onto the target ive locked and the missile just veers off
Since the last patch nothing works with Rada rockets anyway, it is not even possible to switch on targets with the Rada.
After using 2 Rada Rockets, I have to destroy my F14B, exit the game and restart War Thunder so that I can use Rada rockets again.
Notice how I started my comment with :
Key word being Typically
The game can be Janky, and sometimes inexplicable things happen, for sure.
I’m just trying to offer an explanation a bit more constructive than ‘gaijin bad - game broken’
Has been happening a lot to me yesterday, I played Sweden and almost everytime I launched a missile it went for a friendly bot or player this never happened to me before. I was using rb99 (amraams) not a junky 7.0 skyflash :)
Tell me about it. Gaijin wants me to fight f16’s or missile spammers like f15’s, su30, su33, su27, Mirages in an F4S… Like, what do you want me to do against those planes?
That’s like asking me to cut down a tree with a rotten fish.
F4s should be around 11.0 or 11.7. It can’t compete against far better planes 20 years apart Gaijin, do you hear this?