Bug Report - Head movement controls not working while using opentrack

Hey Guys,

It seems like there’s a long time issue of head movement controls not working with head tracking software (Opentrack to be specific). I was not able to find an acknowledged bug report on the same. I have raised a bug report to bring this to the developer’s attention. Please take a look and bump it if you face the same issue.



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I think it’s opentrack issue. You have to remove a line from system registry, but it only works when you have opentrack uninstalled.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\NaturalPoint\NATURALPOINT\NPClient Location] <–remove NPClient Location key

So, If I want to use head movement controls, I can’t use opentrack?

You could try the portable version maybe?

Try what superbuster said though, but I’d definitely not say that it doesn’t work.

You can try opentrack with web cam. It works. If you want to use game controls to move head, then remove the registry key.

I had a problem where OpenTrack stopped working, it was an older processor running 32 bit and Easy AntiCheat would shut it down

When I ran the game with out easy anti cheat the Opentrack would work but not with it. The problem disappeared when I switched to a new processor and 64 bit.

I still have my old computer a good old Q6600, and installed win10 on it so I could play with my kids, the latest version of OT seems to be working fine along with EAC, I am using Aruco.

Try turning EAC off and see if it works

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Wow, yea, architecture is something I haven’t checked with anyone for so long…

Everyone should be installing 64 bit in this day and age, and the same would go for the applications used, but also the runtimes and such drivers to install.

In DCS you can correctly control head movements with the keyboard when you are not using Opentrack, but not in WT. Perhaps this could be addressed by adding a switch to enable or disable head-tracking devices in the game?

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ye I believe Opentrack overrides and my Z shift is controlled by the head track. Zoom state also resets unless you disable control zoom with head track. I have not checked if there is a similar setting for height conntrol.