Bug report for the radar "lock" scope appearing in the cockpit Jets

Hello everyone, i just opened a bug report about the radar scope appearing in the cockpit (in both sim and realistic mode) :

r/WarthunderSim - Here in Realistic

Here in Realistic

r/WarthunderSim - And here in sim (even worse because the scope is in the wrong place)

And here in sim (even worse because the scope is in the wrong place)

Im 100% sure this wasn’t here like a week ago, so dont hesitate to press the “i have the same issue” here : Community Bug Reporting System

Thanks in advance, and see y’all on the battlefield ;)


Yeah that definitely weren’t there before. Don’t know if it’s a bug or not but in cockpit view it shouldn’t be there, especially in Sim

Yes, there is such an issue, but you forgot to mention that the problem manifests itself if, before flying in simulator mode, you switch to realistic mode (for example, to the test flight) and perform a lock-on there. After that, the lock-on reticle will appear in simulator mode during a lock-on, and it will be displayed in the exact position where it was last shown in realistic mode.

I’ve had this for months. First noticed it with the Tornado Gr4 back when it was added in Firebirds. Just couldnt be bothered to report it because it was inconsistant