Buff The SU-27SM / J-11A Or Fix The R-77

But at side aspect - 9M can easily dodged by few flares and some direction change.
R-73 - also can, but takes harder because of how flares works, direction change, but to fly into flares.

The R-73/E takes time before the FOV shrinks to its ahistorical size and the AIM-9M can’t really be preflared.

R-27 datalink not modelled correctly in game and you can launch, break a lock, lock when target near to missile, and datalink will re-connect(irl it cant)

This doesn’t matter, there will ALWAYS be a missile out for you at 13.0, prior to the update this was good but not anymore.

Not really, seen a bunch of documents and even a russian propaganda states that is 0.75 deg

Do you state everything as Russian propaganda? I’m not the largest Russian fan but I can tell the difference between propaganda and facts and most of it isn’t as you claim “propaganda”.


I love how I make a similar post about the J-11A and nobody bats an eye but when I mention the SU-27SM everyone loses their minds lmao.


you have a very slow reaction. in 4-6 seconds switching the radar will launch much more missiles in 4-6 seconds. like 5-6 and with luck you will shoot down about 4-5 aerial targets using R-77

2nd* worst airframe [you call this flight model] at 13.0. Mig-29SMT is the worst.
Cockpit complaint is silly.

Outside those two corrections, good post.

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Any missile can be preflaired, but with most of then you need to give some more after launch.
And radar/irst lock which superior for seeker also matter.

Trouble of RB, there’s still SB where that easier to made.

Ukrainian sources about r-73 not states even a 0.75 deg fov.
(Ukraine producing RMD-1 and RMD-2)

That’s not how datalink works IRL nor in War Thunder.
You’re talking about and describing IOG.
R-27’s datalink is buddy-locks, cause it’s a SARH.
Whereas ARH datalink is “soft-lock” handled.

F-16 also can be stated as worsest, depends on which stats youre watching. By sustained turn rate on low fuel Su-27 have some advantage. And also it can maintain high AoA

In WT R-27 datalink can reconnect, RLE(manual) of SU-27SK states that it cant.

Any fox-3 in game cant do that, because of firing at multiple targets in game didnt give chance to change target, for which missile guides.

Fox-3s reconnect all the time.
Friend got a teamkill cause it reconnected onto a friendly after the enemy notched it.

Also, R-27’s datalink is non-functional in WT.
IOG keeps the receiving seeker pointed where it thinks the target is, and awaits the aircraft radar to give a signal again.
IOG is not datalink, and an aircraft moving left or right means R-27’s IOG just misses entirely.

Still not guides to selected target after loss.
And maybe that was just a lock from missile.

Datalink changes IOG point, yes.
On Su-27/etc it must work if track was not broken anytime.
Otherway it will not give informationd, and will not illuminate target by CW.

In game IOG predicts position also.
And also can change position of IOG point by datalink(if there was no datalink - R-27 will work same as R-24 in game)

SU-27SM has the worst radar switching cycle (TWS /TWS HDN/ PD);


following the current FM of the su-27sm. the wing breaks on the first maneuver


Speed not stated on first picture.
Maybe it at 300kmh, who know
And you using pitch with yaw, because of your settings preset


seriously at 300 km/h the aircraft stol down.

Instructor is so bad with it, wobbles like a you know what


300 is an example.

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100 meter multipath made it less usable. Gripen was meta. Now? ER is totally obsolete. If you BVR, your enemy with a FOX-3 will shoot it, and go ahead and defeat your ER. If he has a brain, you will be eating shit.

Explain everything that isnt the 120 being gimped then. MICAs have zero range, buggy TVC. AAM-4 is somehow worse than 120A.

No no no!! Your missiles are not everything, and the AIM-9M is more effective in meta than R-73E is due to the IRCCM. Gripen has 800 countermeasures, a nuts overperforming flight model and is thus WVR king.

Stop trolling. You are completely wrong. The only time an ER will win is a closeup joust within 10km. You will trade anyway.

Your ER holds a massive disadvantage in that it lacks an active seeker. You will end up dying if you commit.


With 100 meters it still not give chance to fly at altitude.

AAM-4 is pretty near to 120A, basicly more range because of battery at least.

MICA is not really for bvr, tvc is not working stable in game at all.

FOV irccm in game gives very good advantage at low distance, seeker cutoff only at long.
And still R-73 have better range.

After Gripen release BOL was cutted pretty much(so its underperforming now).
Yes, F404 in game is too cold.

Actually - kinda opposite

Literally depends on your alt and speed, if launch from 5 meters and 700kmh/etc - maybe.

But R-27ER still can be used as “long hand”, by same way as phoenix/etc, but not active


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They still need to fix the IRCCM on the R-73 and Magic 2. While this is a report for Magic 2, it also applies to R-73, FoV reduction incorrectly modeled for Magic 2 // Gaijin.net // Issues