Buff The SU-27SM / J-11A Or Fix The R-77

I don’t main russia buddy, sorry to break it to you


And the Chinese Flanker which would face against the F-15C MSIP II would be the J-16 or J-11BG which would absolutely smoke it. We can talk about real life counterparts and which one is superior but this is about a VIDEO GAME not which nation offers better vehicles.


and I play several nations at top tier including Russia so grow up

Please understand, they have to face inferior and usually outaded aircraft in game too!


Doesn’t mean you have the right to derail a topic, instead of being annoying actually contribute to the argument and state why X should or shouldn’t get Y.


Oh, everyone need to fly low because of r-27 and abuse multipath… how i forget that…

Gripen was not best, but maybe second. R-73 better, and giving advantage in all/most situations, even in dogfight.
R-73 is superior by thrust vectoring and range(IRCCM just different)

Ah, fun fact, you can evade FOX-3 by same stuff.

27ER outranges amraam in most of the cases, use them to force enemy to go defence. And after that you can use R-77.

Any fox-3 in game can easily defeaten by energy.

So you can force situations, where 27ER is best.

But you defending only red stuff. That’s case.

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You only complain about russian aircraft in this forum lmao, also with 7k total battles im not sure how you can have experienced multiple top tiers

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Most of youtubers lack of skill and basic BVR theory

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You haven’t used the r73 in top tier 100%

Yep clueless


it’s really not hard to finish a tree in around 1000-1500 games

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Maybe, been a while since I’ve done it

I fought against it. It’s enough, to understand how it works. Also some DCS theory.

Now go use it, see how fast your mindset will change. Don’t mix DCS, things are much different


It will not change.
But you can buy some planes with r73 for me)

BFM is same.

Oh, everyone need to fly low because of r-27 and abuse multipath… how i forget that… Gripen was not best, but maybe second. R-73 better, and giving advantage in all/most situations, even in dogfight.

The AIM-9M is and was superior to the R-73/E, it has a smokeless motor which is very nice to have back when 16 vs 16 was the only team size you’d get. The Gripen had the combination of the best flight performance, nasty flare/chaff quantity and a decent abundant of missiles.

The Gripen was easily the best vehicle prior to this major update

Ah, fun fact, you can evade FOX-3 by same stuff

Not necessarily, whilst you can still multipath Fox 3 missiles you can’t do it on all maps and the best method to avoid them is to notch and drop chaff or hide behind terrain.

27ER outranges amraam in most of the cases, use them to force enemy to go defence. And after that you can use R-77.

The R-27ER also outranges and out accelerates the AIM-120C-5 but only a mad man would pick the R-27ER over the C-5. You have to continue lock to guide the R-27ER to the target whilst the AIM-120 carrier can go cold and allow the pitbull missile to guide itself right into your juicy cockpit.


That could work if you manage to find your target first but in a duel not in situation of 16 vs 16 when your RWR is going mad with number of ARH missle locking onto your plane


The R-73/E seeker is currently ahistorical, the seeker FOV is significantly smaller in real life but this can’t be replicated in War Thunder due to engine issues, your theory from DCS doesn’t mean anything here.

Aka it should be harder to flare in real life than War Thunder

That could work if you manage to find your target first

It takes 4 to 6 seconds before the TWS of the SU-27 to update, the enemy usually has a AIM-120 off the rails by that time as well lol.


9M can be easily preflared, same as others IRCCM missiles in front.
But at side aspect - 9M can easily dodged by few flares and some direction change.
R-73 - also can, but takes harder because of how flares works, direction change, but to fly into flares.

Not best way, but still possible. And also theres still kind of bug when missile hits low. Idk its only for aim-54 or for everything.
Most maps have some kind of water - lake/river/etc, some of them even a sea.
On ground - depends on map, most maps still have flat places.

Wow, Russia before of 2010s

R-27 datalink not modelled correctly in game and you can launch, break a lock, lock when target near to missile, and datalink will re-connect(irl it cant).
Sometimes it give pretty good chance.

Not really, seen a bunch of documents and even a russian propaganda states that is 0.75 deg

BFM is still the same.