Buff The SU-27SM / J-11A Or Fix The R-77

That’s the point, they are different missiles.

Not much difference in them
Just a sustainer.

Build better Aircrafts maybe? and can China not copy every goddamn jet and change its name???

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Play the U.S if you don’t like it

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Skill issue

Quit inhaling petrol, it’s bad for your health. Your government even made a video about it.


The mirage and the gripen are not American. The MIG-29 is not american. There are a lot of good planes that are not american

Idk man. American charts claim the mig29 is extremely similar to the f15 in flight characteristics. This is not case in game. So either the mig29 is underperforming, or the f15 is overperforming


I’m surprised you could wake up for long enough to type out this message, Nikos

Mirage and France as whole is gimped to hell

F-15 made by ghraps
MiG-29 also

Might be US used different loadout on test battles.

You can dogfight a 29 in f15 while having a full loadout and even bombs on top

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If MiG player very dumb - yes.

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Quit crying for once.

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When there was only R-27ER - you didnt write anything about balance

You either haven’t played top tier before this major patch or this is satire, you could easily evade the R-27ER by hugging the deck and the most competitive aircraft at that time was the Gripen and it remains the Gripen.

I’ve ALWAYS advocated for balance and nothing but ABOLUSLETE balance and calling me bias or whatever is just a outright lie.

Best speed? R-27ER Best range? R-27ER Best maneuverability? Still 27ER

You continue to forget that even a monkey without a brain could evade the R-27ER, multipath was stupidly low and evading ANY missile from ANY aircraft besides Fox 2s was a piece of cake.

You still have R-27ER, that superior by speed and range. Just use it properly. And why you crying about r-77? There is still missiles like MICA, Derby, that worser by range.

The R-27ER is a Fox 1 missile mate, you won’t be winning BVR engagements with it, the enemy can just go cold and you’ll eat a AIM-120A/B to the face. There will be situations were the R-27ER will be superior but those are VERY situational and overall Fox 3s are just much better.

Overall - i understand that red side starting to cry, when they have not best missile/tank/etc

I am a British main who lives in the United Kingdom, I have absolutely no reason to be bias and prior to the patch I did agree that China as a whole was pretty competitive and I had ZERO complaints besides mismodels.


I can’t put this in any other way but get a grip my friend, there is a difference between people crying because their vehicle can’t stomp others and them physically being unable to compete. Many Youtubers have also shared the same opinion that overall the SU-27SM and J-11A are the clowns of the current meta.


should have made better aircraft

All that guy does, try to derail threads.

America not on top → Cry for balance, complain about russia, etc
America on equal terms → Cry for buffs, complain about russia
America on top → Cry for more buffs, complain about russia

In all those 3 cases, they still end up doing shit on average as a playerbase


all you do is derail threads

russia not on top → Cry for balance, complain about america, etc
russia on equal terms → Cry for buffs, complain about america
Russia on top → Cry for more buffs, complain about america

In all those 3 cases, they still end up doing shit on average as a playerbase