Buff The SU-27SM / J-11A Or Fix The R-77

Imo keep them, good for throwing at the furball without TK, plus double rack R-77 gives free 2 27ERs

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This is true but I don’t like having to switch through 3 missiles, I like to keep it to 2 if possible.

@MiG_23M did they reduce R-77 drag? Any ideas? Could you check datamines sometime?

They did not change any of the current fox 3s.

Hmm nothing on the datamines, I guess it’s just the HMD carrying it.

No changes to the R-77, @DirectSupport I am not able to check at the moment. Did missile wobble issue get reduced? That would also explain things, if they aren’t just sugar pilled daydreams.

I don’t know if an R-73 is supposed to hit a target with a relative closure of 1600kmh within 1km offbore. I know the R-73 is supposed to turn harder but that was on me, not the missile lol.

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If it did, then it would be a universal change to all missiles. I haven’t notice such things though, I think people are just quick to notice things on the first day.

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Zased and sugarpilled

After playing a bit longer it feels normal, I think all the stock J-17s were tipping the scales a little bit

In 2003 or 2005, i don’t remember

This missile is from the 2010s, and its opponent is the AIM-120D.

This missile is from the 2010s, and its opponent is the AIM-120D.

Time of production is irrelevant. That’s not in any way, shape or form a valid balancing consideration nor should it be.


bala- what?

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120 C-7

There is a 10-year difference between these missiles.

Difference in years means nothing, only their performance

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Clearly you are new here

I don’t get people I fond them to be great even before the update

Has long the launches were good it hit
Also was a good dogfighting Missile

Even in vertical fights launching the missile at or Close to 90 degrees straight up

Every missile is good if you give it a good launch, the issue is that it’s way easier to get a good launch with any other missile

No in particular aim7 have a life of thier own
Even with perfect launches that missile sometime just flys of In a Random direction

Aim120 I don’t really know I am getting better results with the av8b+ than the F-16 or f-15c
Could be battle ranting or the fact the Harrier can get closer into the furbal without getting instantly clapped thanks to maneuverability and engine power in particular at low speed