Buff The SU-27SM / J-11A Or Fix The R-77

lol, you will see when the missile inevitably releases, you remind me of the guys who insisted the MiG-29 would outperform the F-16 in every way, we saw who was right on that one

I see factual information from one and accusations from the other… Guess the one people should listen to.

Again… I don’t even have Mig-29, what is with your delusional insistence on equating me with Russian players. There’s no more point to this conversation if you’re going to keep using a firehose of lies.

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me considering my track record has been spotless
MiG-29 will be better than F-16! - everyone was wrong
Su-27 will be better than F-15! - everyone was wrong
R-77 will be better than AIM-120A! - everyone was wrong
R-77-1 will be better than AIM-120C-5! - i wonder what will happen this time

Who said this? Can you point me to where this was said?

the chart you posted

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Just saying.

The person who made the chart simply went off of values found currently in the files. He did not claim R-77-1 would be better than AIM-120C-5. The only person who made ridiculous claims so far is you.

Lets rehash the false claims here so far:

R-77-1 has only a 10% range increase over R-77 (you)

R-77-1 has less drag in files than R-77 (you)

AMRAAM that has most air kills in real war for fox3 mean nothing R-77 still better!!!

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He just proceeds to ignore when people call him out, not worth the time.

I’m all for his original intentions of calling out lies, but he makes up lies while trying to call out lies. Comes across as hypocritical.

what date was the chart made

July 19, you can find the original post here:

by the time R-77-1 in service for Russian
West and US already has C-5 or C-7
it will be more deserters for Russia if they want R-77-1

looks to me like it was made before drag changes to the R-77-1

lel thats why they moved it down in BR

according to you they only moved it down because US players are so bad while it actually overperforms so you should agree with me (it was also never moved down, just not put up)

In 2015, the US entered service with AIM-120D while Russia received R-77-1 the same year. AIM-120C entered service much earlier. Europe simultaneously entered service with Meteor as well.

Yes, except the overperforming part. It’s probably one of the few cases of usaf aircraft that haven’t received meme buffs to the FMs