Buff The SU-27SM / J-11A Or Fix The R-77

and i think every sane player would agree the flight performance outstrips the current Su-27 model, making me question why you disagreed

It was an illogical prediction, given all preceding knowledge

Well actually not fully, in your defence

F-15A is close enough in perfomance

it was perfectly logical considering i am an omnipotent super genius that saw it coming from a million miles away

irl yes, in game no. F15 is closer to the mig29 actually

I really don’t get your point. The R-77-1 is a work in progress at the moment, exactly like the Aim120C5 is. The values tested as of July have zero indication on their future performances ingame.
Especially as Gaijin consistently murdered everything flying in the soviet tree for the past year.

Heck there’s even the R27EA in this chart.

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In sustained turn rate WT F-15 is close to WT Su-27, rather than MiG-29

If anything, that is something you should ask AusChalk since he wanted to go by what was seen in the files. I simply corrected him as to what was available in the current files, nothing more nothing less. R-77-1 can drastically change in the future, but as it stands right now in the files it dominates everything else, so statements such as “it has less drag than R-77 in the files” or it has “10% more range than R-77” is incorrect.

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In fact, I do expect R-77-1 to dominate current missiles in-game when it will likely fall short of missiles from the same year that it is supposed to compete with.

R-77-1: Entered service in 2015
AIM-120D: Entered service in 2015
Meteor: Entered service in 2015

It is likely outclassed by missiles of the same year while outperforming earlier ones such as AIM-120A.

Honestly, it should. Unless they finally work on the Su/Mig FM and radar kits, or introduce a plane finally able to compete in close range, they should at the very least have some advantage in BVR.

Especially since they have less datalink channels.

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Different nations being good at different things is realistic, good game design and a healthy dynamic all at once. Hence, Soviet aircraft shouldn’t be competing with, let alone outcompeting, Western designs in BVR - neither the missiles nor the avionics are up to it, and that’s fine and to be expected. They should instead excel at WVR, and what absolutely is not fine is that they do anything but with their current FMs and missile kits (particularly the early MiG-29, which currently occupies the niche of a missile sled for its pair of R-27ERs it never actually carried that becomes completely useless the very second it’s out of them since it doesn’t get a competitive FM and the R-73s it was literally built around - just about the polar opposite of what the plane is supposed to be).

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R-77-1 is not identical to R-77

R-77-1 2010 a year.Meteor 2016

absolutely not

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I have no doubt you truly believe that.

How are your complaints different? In fact, yours aren’t even supported by anything. They are beliefs not usually set in reality or logic.

I think I’ve said that before, and it probably should be but we can’t verify this until more motor data is available for the missile. Right now people are making weird claims about it being the same motor as the standard R-77 lol. We know that much can’t be true.

Dawg, no one here is being fooled by your nonsense. We’ve all seen your schizo rants and I’m sorry but you’re outside usual schizoid hours right now. You’re gonna have to wait till 10-2 and that’s PM-AM mind you.


yet I was right about the AIM-120A vs R-77 and you were wrong
yet I was right about the MiG-29 vs F-16 and you were wrong

20 km HMD on the Su-27SM + 2 more R-77’s
Shit will be awesome

won’t save the aircraft, amount of missiles was never the weakness

My threads are still up and unchanged, the data is within 4% of the game data at worst. I was right all along. You literally can’t “nuh uh” when everything you post is public and anyone can show you the receipts.

The R-77 losing too much speed maneuvering because they didn’t model the grid fins means it’s also underperforming.

Not only all of that - every single claim you’ve ever made is rooted in “i made it up” logic. You can’t claim to have known better when you’re just talking out your butt. Literally a clown act on your part and everyone sees it. It’s why you get ignored.


Idk. What yall are saying. The Su-27SM and R-77 are actually useable. Especially the R-73 with HMD