British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

So…when can we expect the surface launched ASRAAM in game to counter those pesky low earth orbit cruising, LGB dropping Cas spammers?


Well, they claim 16km range for the gound launched one, so it could be added even now if they wanted. Sadly carrier has no search feature and can carry only 2 of them.
Different pair of boots is Land Ceptor.


Gaijin make zala 421 In warfare 2077 event…

It still won’t be enough, you would need a missile that can kill Mach 1 perpendiculary flying target at range of 10 km. There is very little of those. ASRAAM would run out of energy fast. A player correctly strategising would still come out on top, I know that because I’m that player.

@Flame2512 Not sure if this has been brought up, but apparently a Lightning was used to test the Mauser BK-27. I have found the aircraft (pictured below), but no photos of it with the BK-27

From my post on SPF:

See the reply after it for further details.

Here’s XP693 for reference:

Additionally, though I’m not sure whether it’s been brought up on the new forums, an Avro Vulcan was also used to test the BK-27. It seems it was also in the testbed configuration for the RB.199 which would make it the only five-engined combat-capable aircraft I’m aware of.

Here’s what XA903 looked like with the RB.199:


Thats not the RB199 installation thats the Olympus 593 test bed from the concord trials (olymlus 593 written on the side in big frendly letters is a bit of a give away)

This is the RB199 installation

Olympus 320 test bed for good measure



and I think they’ve nerfed red tops again. They now basically do no damage. 1 match, 2 hits, 1 on a A-4 another on a F-104. Both solid hits. Barely scratched their respective targets. Only the hit on the A-4 was a crit hit. The F-104 was just a “hit”

My mistake, apologies

I know this is an air thread but I don’t recall seeing a ground equivalent (happy to move this there if there is one)

Not an air thread, just that’s what’s talked about the most :)


Off-topic/General chat for Britain is the thread I used to bring the RCH up. Should be a great meme if added to WT. As I understand it’s fully stabilised and has a 6-7s autoloader, with direct fire sights and 30 rounds ready to fire, only downside is that it’s stupid tall


Unfortantly, this thread is in the aircraft subsection, which does imply a certian falling with style connotation

Sssshh, that doesnt matter :P

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Is that XA894 by any chance?

Well on the bright that’s less weight I have to lug around… guess I’ll use firestreaks and RN rockets on the Sea Vixen


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So… its been 7 months since I reported the wrong flag for the Hunter FGA.9. but still has the Union jack. Do you think this means we can consider it the RAF version of the Jet and not the Rhodesian version?

and if so. What buffs could it get?

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I mean there are a few things missing the correct flag still. Going by the Wiki info this is a Canadian plot and the livery is RCAF one. But I’m 90% sure it still has the UK flag.’s_Spitfire_FR_Mk_XIVe


That’s cause it was flying under the RAF.

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The plane is painted after the camouflage scheme of the plane Canadian pilot James Prendergast used in the No.414 Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force

I see the RCAF right there. It is a Canadian plot and Squadron should have the Red Ensign.