British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

We don’t even have the weapon that the Tornado carried to receive the livery of Mig Eater, whilst the yanks cried for a week and ended up with 9M.

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Maybe, I like my Tornado and im really excited to be able to play it soon against something other than a 12 or 12.3 (SB main)

But so many features are just missing and its a shame. from Pilot hand control (that would give in essence, limited FoV HMD), to the flight model, to the Skyflash SuperTEMP modeling to the biggest of them all, the placeholder cockpit HUD.

Its all just really really annoying.

Yeah, and AAM buffs are probably long overdue. Im on the fence about Aim-9M. Probably would have meant a BR increase and without AMRAAM, it wouldnt be worth it, but it also probably needs them at 11.3/11.7 to be competitive. But we could have at least gotten De-Chirped Aim-9L

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Fail to see why the tornado should go up with 9m. Yanks have a significantly more functional tornado with 9Ms, ground pounding options, maneuverability, better SARHs, at 12.3. Tornados should be better, and don’t really thhink they’d need to move up with 9Ms, they lack much in the way to use them problematically, and are somewhat lacking in the countermeasure area.

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Unfortuantely for the same reason the F-15A needs to go to 12.7, because vs 10.3s in a supersonic Tornado F3, Aim-9M would be OP as hell. Already the Tornado F3 in a full downtier is very very strong. its just been plauged with forced uptiers most of its life and its that above any other reason, why it sucks so hard. Unfortunately, with the semi-decompression, It might now move to 11.7 without any buffs. Though I really really hope it doesnt, as it would see 12.7s again


Forgot it was 11.3, thought it was the same BR as the harrier. Think I’m just tired.

Tornados should be better. They even give us the mig eater livery in game, but not the weapon used to achieve that feat. It is bothersome.

Yeah, they really do and the real pity is that they finished them fully. Aircraft Like the IDS (Gr1) I think genuinely could end up at 11.7 if completed, and not a “uh… this feels over BRed” but a “damn, this is still really competitive to fly”

Its kinda insane the state its in.

is that Aim-9M?

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It’d be nice to actually have the thing the livery is actually relevant to. Especially when completely unnecessary stuff gets added the moment Americans cry about it. Could even be useful in Sim, if they cared to do anything interesting.

Oh right, yeah, I would kill for JP233 (and CBUs in general) the Tornado does feel like a bit of an empty shell at the moment. I enjoy it, Im really glad its finally had a BR fix (new SB brackets) meaning its a LOT stronger in SB. But you fly it and it feels… empty.

Yeah, I would 100% use it for AF attacks in SB, I doubt though the mines would be modeled, but it could have a damage multiplier vs AFs or something,

Missiles weren’t really needed, but yanks get them. Tornado missing arguably one of the more important things it carried, nope, not added.

I get the argument for not adding CBUs and that is the hamster would die of a heart attack on its server rack wheel trying to handle CBUs being used. But its not excuse for things like Chaff count in the BOZ pods, the radar, missing HUD symbology, ASMs, a few in-game loadout options like Paveway IIs.

And then more creative additions like ALARM.

At the moment, the BIG buff would be 2x BOL rails currently missing from the Gr1

(though that being said, if they only modeled the runway cratering munitions and not the mines, then thats only 30 bomblets per pod and the aircraft could carry 2 pods, so 60 in all, and no reason why the server couldnt handle that)


GR1 is the one I fly, when I fly a tornado. The chaff situation is awful. HUD makes it hard to find targets.

And even if they only modeled a few mines, or a region that counted as mined instead of individual mines, server wouldn’t really struggle. Just feel it a bit cheap to include the livery, but not the weapon.

Yeah, there are certainly options for adding JP233. and yeah, The Tornado Gr1 has a rediculous amount of potential, but gaijin seem to have just, forgotten it. The lack of aircraft in 2023 was annoying, but the state of what few aircraft we did have was actually painful and made me really really angry.

Even now, im worried the Tornado F3 wont ever get a completed cockpit HUD because Gripen C has essentially replaced it in most respects. (“So why bother finishing an old aircraft”)

I really like tornados, but I Just can’t justify flying the GR1, when Su 39 is far easier to use with way more ordnance. Or the ease of use of the harrier. Or the jaguar. Or even French aircraft.

Not to mention damping issues on the GR1 when fully laden.

I have been flying a lot more Buc recently. But the Gr1s are always fun to go Canyon racing in, in SB.

Yeah, i’ve noticed some issues with damping mode of late, but i’ve noticed it in a few aircraft, was contemplating a bug report at some point

Load the Gr1 full of ordnance, and try fly it with damping. It gets sent to space.

Yeah, it feels like it needs a few degrees of pitch trim. But there are others, I constantly feel like the Gripen C is trying to yaw slightly, its almost unnoticable, but if you switch damping off, it goes away

Even trimming the Gr1, not much success getting it to stop going up. Gripen for Sweden doesn’t seem to have that problem, or didn’t when I flew it.

Trim doesnt work whilst in Damping mode, but I might write up a bug report for the Tornado damping mode actually. that is very annoying when trying to maintain level flight at 50 ft. do wish you could just keep it flying in a straight line (especially with no TFR)

Strange, trimming was working for me on several other planes in damping. Who knows, maybe the tornado’s rubbish damping is holding together the damping of other aircraft.

Maybe, I’ve never noticed trim working for any aircraft whilst in damping mode though. I just assumed it disabled trim