British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

Looks like two ALE-47 bins, so 30 large calibre or 60 standard calibre CM’s. Thanks for this.


maybe we could add SPEAR-3 and SPEAR-EW to this list?

Imagine getting SRAAM on the Jag haha





Only a minor buff right? Definetly no need for a BR increase

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Came up in another thread. What British jets could actually carry Napalm? At the moment its the Harrier Gr1. I imagine the Phantoms, Buc and Jags could all carry them and maybe the Tornado?

Read that as ASRAAM.

Just SRAAM, yeah, especally with the buff, would gladly take them over the 9Gs.

That’s considering they are actually going to do something about it…

We can hope. Flame’s bug reports do everything for the SRAAM, including double the range and all aspect.

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I would like to know too. Like, why does the Harrier Gr.1 have napalm but the Gr.3 doesn’t?

I thought it was the Gr3 and FRS1 until I went and actually double checked. Feels really random it ONLY being the Gr1. I can understand other jets. But would think at minimum the Gr3 would have them

The Buccaneer and Sea Vixen definitely carried napalm (according to the manual). I think there’s also a photo of a Hunter FGA.9 dropping Napalm.

It’s hard to find evidence for British aircraft using Napalm. It seems Britain’s policy (at least at one point) was that it reserved the right to use Napalm, but didn’t generally hold stocks of it in peace time:

Mr. Hale

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Defence the policy of Her Majesty’s Government with regard to the use of napalm bombs by British troops in time of war; and what stocks of these bombs are held by British forces at present.

Mr. Birch

In the absence of any agreement prohibiting such weapons, Her Majesty’s Government must reserve the right to use the napalm bomb. No stocks are held.


AIM-9Ls and the correct Radar for the Phantom FG.1 and FGR.2 when? My experience with my FG.1 is kinda poopoo (not because I’m bad, but because I’m fighting F-16s and MiG-29s in a 3rd Gen jet).

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Or even SRAAM on the Phantom! Mind you we’d probably need some evidence such a configuration was tested or at least mounted.

SRAAM Advert

If SRAAM get all-aspect, I want them on my Tornado ( I assume thats the Torando mid left)

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I don’t really think the SRAAMs would even be that good on the F-4 FG.1/FGR.2 unless they give it all-aspect capabilities, although it still would be cool to see in-game I guess and give the FG.1/FGR.2 a type of uniqueness.

They are apprently working on implementing these and actually fixing its guidance issues.

SRAAM carriers might be about to become powerhouses again, and might need a BR rise. Though would love to see them added to more stuff if they do become effective weapon systems


Would love to see the SRAAM get the performance it had IRL

It would be a hyper maneuverable R-60M


Yeah, 18 months ago ish (before the Gr7) the Harrier Gr1 was my main jet, and it was hilarious what you could do in ASB. Viggens would go to turn fight you, but quick VIFF and you could pop off a SRAAM and nail them. Then they got nerfed through the floor (intentionally or not) and could barely hit a burning barn door. Full power, IRL SRAAMs, would be an amazing addition to the Tornados and others that “could” carry them. Id trade my 9Ls in a heartbeat

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Just noticed something…

What kind of radar did the Buc S2 have?

All I’ve found was the Hunter or the Harrier carrying them, unfortunately. @Flame2512 has way more information on them tho.

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