British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

I wouldn’t mind some of the 76 Shermans in the British tree. Specifically the Sherman IIa (M4A1 76). It would be an interesting alternative to the Firefly.


that trend will continue, australia as well as canada are not pure trees for britain, they will be added where they fit best, just like leopard mexas. I see the KF41 australian version being added in germany as well

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The ozzies are an odd one, but at this point i half expect them to start shoving in indian stuff in the british tree to “plug” gaps in a low effort manner, though we might have been saved from that seeing as no one bourght the vijayanta and the t-90 added nothing so i have seen very few of them. so they might have realized no one particularly cares for them, sort of like how quickly the Hungarian/ Israeli players evaporated.

Yes, the Indian tree is good, and its 2S6 and Strela-10 are a great complement to the British tree’s current shortage of available air defense systems

There is no shortage of air defence systems, just no one bothers to look for them, i currently have one pending, and have suggested more then a dozen across a wide range of brs


Idk where else to post this but can we vote this in? It’s landing lights for aircraft carriers.

Unsure if it’s something someone has already posted about but figured this may help consolidate some knowledge around the CHARM 3 projectile.

According to “Challenger Service Inqiury, Castlemartin Incident”, Published by the British Government Defence Safety Authority, 14th of June, 2017 - The L29A1 (The Challenger 2’s CHARM3 training round) has a total penetrator length of 660 mm
The L29A1 projectile simulates the CHARM 3 projectile but has a different tail design to increase its drag and reduce range as seen below:

The differences between L29A1 and L27A1 is only this tail fin design, so we can pretty safely say the length of L29A1 and L27A1 should be roughly the same, so as to correctly simulate the L27A1 round. Give or take 30mm ± due to the change in fin design that may alter the penetrator length.

I’m not able to find much in the way of weight and diameter (i’m aware there’s the 23mm diameter number but I can’t source it). Anyone else have anything to add to this? I have a sneaking suspicion that by Gaijin using the Lanz Odermatt formula, we’re getting some very rough projections for penetration that don’t represent the actual capability of CHARM 3…

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Don’t doubt it, they used this formula.

Yes, but the formula provides a very rough estimate for long rod penetration capabilities which may not be representative of the actual round’s capability

Sort of rough length comparison: L29 with the tail plug, on the table along with an L28A1 (L27 tungsten surrogate) without the tail plug, and L23 (I think) between them

was posted on twitter by ATDU

So seems like they’re roughly the same in length, but L27 is far thicker?
Accounting for that missing tail plug, i’d say L27 and L29 are very closely matched in length, give or take 30mm of error.
Looks like L27 is far thicker and its tip is far less of a taper.

Don’t think they’re much thicker. It’s just the way the taper/ogive makes them look
This is L27 next to L29
Again, basically the same length as L29 and what we know about L28 compared to L27 and what we can see in that photo I posted before: the fin/tracer section extends right to the base of the tail plug

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L27 is 25mm thick for the DU penetrator

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This is really cool:

Meanwhile in WT: Ricochet.





That is the greatest thing I have ever seen on the internet

Fin stabilised.

Vietnam? From what I recall the dual-mode capability was an urgent operational requirement to add man-in-the-loop capability to lower the risk of collateral damage in Afghanistan.