British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

Yea sadly Mmv seeker would be too precise and would ignore normal smoke. And if they decide to add brims with only SALH im going to hurt somebody.

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what was SALH again? and yeah i am gonna cry about it as well, germanys typhoon would benefit from those as well

Semi active laser homing. What hellfire does, so the laser point at things, and the missile goes to that point, but using its own way, unlike LOSBR that ride the laser.

ah damn lets hope for the best

Except the british tree is the south african tree, which is why we got mediocre or just bad vehicles for the majority of the last two years, which Gaijin has only recently stepped away from. And the powerplant is well known, and photographically documented: Rooikat Armoured Car | Page 3 | Secret Projects Forum . The exact same thing occured with the class 2b/c and most importantly the class 1. German contributions to south africas military are pretty well known seeing as that stuff had to be reported due to trade embargos, its basically entirely limited to diesel engines, and some civilian helicopters, its all quite well documented: Germany–South Africa relations - Wikipedia

and all stems from un resolution 418

Brimstones are unable to gude only on laser, as they use mmv to gude itself, dual mmv/SALH seeker comes from Afghanistan, where brims were used close to allied forces, and laser was used to make sure that missile goes where it is supposed to

and? so whats your point , in the first place the class 3 (p) was added before the south african tree even existed , fact is at the point it had more to do with germany then britain, additionaly this is british weapon systems not south african

can they just give us the Ajax or the CTAS Bradley or warrior

A literal the patch before, but not before both Rooikats were already in the main british tree. The logic used for its implimentation for germany, means they should also have gotten the 76mm rooikat seeing as they both have a german powerplant system, but that is semantics.

again you seem to dont understand the use of event vehicles, it isnt like they added it in the tech tree itself. You can cry about like you want, it wont change the situation

It just needs reminding, as its a common theme for the british tech tree to be skipped over on stuff that for all intents and purposes they should have recieved.

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and thats bullshit as well, that is hitting every tree besides USSR/US and somehow sweden, well possibly italy as well as much stuff as they got last year

could you stop going on about a SA event vehicle in the German tree

The british tree is a special case, the list is larger then the other trees combined

like i said bullshit, you complain about SA vehicles taking away space/development for Uk light tanks, while in the same time arguing for the SA tree. Britain did not get skipped over. Yes the air situation wasnt favourable, but its a fact as well their is no british fighter

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Their is British IFV that they need to add unlike fighters

Its not just the light tanks, that is the big one, and i am mainly refering to ground, the only two real events for planes was the mess that was teh swiss hunter, and my personal irk the NF metor 13. In regards to ground the list is long before you even factor in the SA ground malaise

I have suggested about 30 now, finished off another one today. You can basically go from about 4.7 to top tier with them

yes and so does israel, china, japan and france, if we are talking realy top tier lights only italy, sweden and US

so does every other tree have complains

neither did any german want a copy paste swiss hunter which isnt that great to begin with, was supposed to be for A2G use for germany, but it isnt even that great in it. Everyone else would have prefered sth else like the Alpha jet even if it performs worse without guided armaments


Well the alpha jet is the logical choice, which is why that was a double edge sword. And you would be surprised, there are quite a few ifvs most are super obscure ;)

but in regards to tanks, here are just a few off the top of my head

M4A4 - British were the largest operatior, something like 95% of all made, with all the ones present in the other trees being tanks given to the respective nations by britian

Boarhound - British were the only operator, made for their requirement through lendlease

M1 AIM- all other australian vehicles are in the british tree, with ozzie planes being in the british air tree both as prems and in the actual lines since britian was added

Ram 2 - In the us tree for some reason with a designation that never applied to it, and was added at a time when the brits were simply gagging for any premiums.