British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

Well, i guess they will look at it with the giant Cr2 lookout

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Modelling it would be hard on the game engine, all the possible polygons crumbling ect…

Yeah… but they’ve done nothing to counter its loss. Like reducing ERAs effectiveness or increase ERA perforating shells pen by a flat amount to compensate.


I was just mocking and paraphrasing the announcement made by Gaijin to the players.
They either “don’t care” or “believe it shouldn’t ,” this kind of situation occurs nonetheless.

Ik, and i said that as a joke. They stick too much to their beliefs

I would consider it a miracle ,they were to formally issue a response announcement.

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They have now committed to a statement (though 50/50 chance if we actally ever get one) , but like we saw in the past year, they go out of their way to find tiny pieces of information that shut down anything for Britain. Like the BAE EAP. Even when evidence was found to satisify their requirements, it was shut down.

Im doubting CR2 will get any fixes and all reports will be picked apart with no evidence as to why and without any sources. Only, “we say no”

EAP might have been fitted with RWR, possibly a working radar, and other systems from Tornado → It was never wired to actually mount live hardpoints. Nor was it ever meant to. EAP is a aerodynamic test bed, so I totally agree it shouldn’t be in the game. It’s an unequipped civilian jet pretty much

While I don’t disagree with your assessment, I’d have much rathered a homegrown jet than a South African Gripen. That said beggars can’t be choosers.

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100%. Having an All British Lineup feels really weird, sticking a SA jet in there out of the blue. It’s a welcome addition, and I can slap a few RAF roundels on it to make it look better, but its still odd.

That said, EAP isn’t a combat jet or was ever planned to be. We would have been way better off with a Eurofighter DA.2 or something similar.

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700mm RHA penetration probably means 150mm plate at an extremely high angle.

The penetration for M829A1 in the document lines up close enough to what M829A1 is in game. So it’s likely 60deg penetration.

That is RHAe

So I was reading the Wikipedia article on the 32 pdr and apparently a mosquito was armed with one.

“At least one 32-pdr was developed as an anti-tank gun on a wheeled carriage and a single example using a novel form of muzzle brake was installed in a de Havilland Mosquito FB Mk. XVIII as an up-gunned version of the ‘Tsetse’, in place of the 57 mm 6-pounder Molins gun. While flight trials did not take place until after the war had ended, the aircraft flew and the gun fired without problems.[4]”
Am I reading this right or can we get a 94mm armed mosquito in game?


So basically gaijin declined the L27 penetration report Community Bug Reporting System, and I wonder, why can’t this old doc be used instead? It was already used to make a report, but it went nowhere back at the time, like all the other CR2 reports. I mean at least it clearly shows that the penetration increase for L26 from L11 gun to L30 is much larger than what we have in game.

The developers only accept the weight, length, material and velocity for calculating penetration. Actual penetration figures are not used.

we know the diameter is 25mm, so we just need a length or weight and velocity.

yes due to a charge change, L14 → L12, which increased penetration from 530 to 585 at 2km