British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

With AP bombs coming to the game I thought it would be fun to talk about a little known series of British bombs - the Capital Ship bombs; which as the name suggests were designed to destroy capital ships.

Three different Captial Ship bombs were developed at 45 inches, 38 inches, and 30- inches diameter. The bombs had a rather unique design: at the front of the bomb was a several inch thick steel disc, with a couple of thousand pounds of RDX/TNT explosive behind it. When the bomb detonated the explosives would accelerate the disc to several thousand feet per second after which it would hopefully punch through all the decks of a capital ship and carry on out the bottom.

The 45 inch bomb was first tested in 14th April 1942 against a target consisting of the following steel plates, each spaced 8 ft apart and inclined at 15° to the bomb: ⅜" Mild Steel, 2" Nickel Chrome Steel, ⅜" Mild Steel, 3½" Nickel Chrome Steel. The detonation apparently completely demolished the target and the final 3.5 inch steel plate was found with a 5 ft x 5 ft hole punched through it.

The 38 inch bomb was tested on 8th May 1942 against the same target, this time inclined at 35° to the bomb. Once again the final 3.5 inch plate was holed, this time with a 3 ft x 4 ft hole having been punched through it.

The 30 inch bomb was tested on 27th march 1943 against a larger target angled at 15°. This target consisted of 4" Mild Steel, 3" Nickel Chrome Steel, ⅜" Mild Steel, 3½" Nickel Chrome Steel, 1" Mild Steel, 1" Mild Steel, 1" Mild Steel, 1" Mild Steel. It was concluded that the bomb was “just able to defeat this target”.

Despite the Capital Ship bombs being considered highly damaging weapons only a small number were produced, and they were only used operationally once against German ships in Gdynia harbour in 1942.

This is what the 45 inch bomb looked like:

And this is a diagram of the 38 inch version:



I mean we are also still missing both our giant lawn darts
Grand Slam
And Tallboy


Nah, I was shooting for a “like for like” to replace ADATS M113 with the domestic ADATS. No change in mobility or capability. Just British

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Tbh i would not like that, as Gaijin would find a way to for example. You had it spaded, well you can get it for free but it is a different vehicle so spade it once again.

Not a clue, though I hazard a guess it was probably that the M113 ADATS is a production vehicle.


Was a static display, It’s an early low profile warrior hull which still retains the 6th roadwheel, while yeah the turret was funtional it wasn’t intergrated into the hull at all. Was a “quick” mock up for expos rather than a functional unit. This combination never saw trials as Starstreak was seen as a much more effective system. Literally the only pictures we have of the system are from the September 1988 copy of the International Defence Review, and it never saw trials (as a combined unit). Compare that to the M113, which reached serial production, and I think you can hazard a guess as to why.

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I’ll say something on this Warrior ADATS VS CAN ADATS. the Warrior one would be cool to add as a new vehicle but should only ever be used to replace the CAN one if there is a better place for it. Like a newly added tech tree that either Commonwealth or independent Canada only then should it be used to replace the M113 ADATS because unlike most of the removed vehicles, the CAN ADATS was built and used in numbers.

found another data about Litening III
SOUCE: The South African Air Force

Unofficial website.

Never before seen Vickers Defence Systems design documents and exact specifications for Vickers Mk.11

The official VDS report

It’s legit, I promise :P


How much pen on that gun

Still not enough to pen soviet ERA unfortunately

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The Starstreak is still bugged to shit


At this point it feels like the devs can’t fix it, instead they should add the marlet missile as a researchable for the Stormer HVM


I mean it was fine 2 Updates ago, but now it started just phasing through enemies

@Gunjob sorry to bother you, are the devs already aware of the star streak issue?

(In the test drive they work perfectly fine but once you are in a match they don’t have a hit box anymore)

From what we know they know, and they are working on it.

Does anybody know if the Jaguar Gr.1 can get a better RWR than the 18223? I know the Gr.3 had a massive upgrade but if there was an upgrade similar to the 18228 before hand it would be nice to know.

I’ve obtained a new report. It seems that the RAF had significantly under-estimated the maximum range of Skyflash SuperTEMP when it entered service:


Imagine what the US was like with the AIM-7F.