British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

Is this info enough for Gaijin to do anything? Or will the Skyflash Super Temp stay like it is now?

I’ve already reported the battery duration and will be doing a report for seeker range against larger targets. There may also be room to improve the kinematics of the missile, but that will need some testing.


Problem is it conforms to the graphs that we have currently, unless you have data to disprove those then I don’t think kinematics will change.

Does anyone know what this camera is on the marksman turret?

Only seems to be on the chieftain version.

@Gunjob any news on the RWR issue?

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Which issue is that sorry?

unrelated question after seeing the f111 carry 4 gunpods with the main gun.

would the british f111 have gunpods if it got accepted into service? 20mm? 25mm/30mm adens? and what other weapons would it have been allowed to carry?

the british f111 propably is right at the stage where it cant be implemented for the uk tree because it is more paper then real

It does fit Gaijins criteria though just maybe not needed. Id rather they focussed their efforts on other airframes.

It was specified, had most of the airframe and parts completed and was literally in the final stages of fitting out and assembly. The arguement that the Tornado exists is probably the major one.

Plus it would be better than the majority of the others the US could receive because although the swivel pylons were heavier, reducing acceleration, the wings would be able to sweep enabling it to reach higher speeds laden.

It’s definitely about as real as the Kronshtadt.

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F-111C C&P is far more likely and lot less work on Gaijins end too.


ships have other rules then ground and air for implementation, thats just confirms it shouldnt be added to UK

It’s a Yak141 equivalent though.

well the yak 141 itself was finished wasnt it, while the f111 in the pictures are half build, was any uk f111 able to fly?

It’s a modified F111B iirc. Which did fly, ultimately the K is just a B with modifications.

in american service yes, the K never finished production and never flew for the british not even for tests

I mean the National Archives has some stuff.


F111K aircraft | The National Archives
F111K aircraft | The National Archives
F111K aircraft | The National Archives
F111k aircraft | The National Archives
F111K aircraft | The National Archives
F111K aircraft | The National Archives
RAF new project: F111K | The National Archives


hard to say what they exactly describe, just as far as i am aware they 2 development aircraft XV884/5 never finished production. them having the ability to actual fly should be the minimum which the yak 141 did even if systems were missing

Whilst you could argue that should be the rule. It isn’t the rule. It’s also moving the goal-posts which have been set prior.

We could say the UK shouldn’t get the F-111K, and I’d probably agree because we have alternative domestic options, but to say it shouldn’t because of the nature of its existence is still wrong because fundamentally it fits the criteria of an unfinished prototype and for that reason could be added to the British tree under the parameters Gaijin have set.