British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

yeah, i;ll just farm it out dropping bombs on targets in the Gr1, just nuking them as quick as possible

All i can say to this is good luck getting close to them pas everything that will deem you a rp piniatao, or good luck tossing at them when your temmates in beter airframes decide to bomb

Yeah, usually fine, always the AFs to dump if not

Just a friendly reminder that tornado should have been with us during mig 23 meta

Good for you

Yep, Mig-27, Tornado Gr1, F111 update would have been awesome

Ah the Vark, i wonder when we will see it

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OK, back to topic once again, anyone have some data about longbow? Im interested about its performance and how it will look ingame in the future. Especialy when 114L gets added.

F-111K screams from the ether


The interesting part would be, could it get ASRAAMS as to my understanding the program was started to have a defensive weapon for the F-111 that could be fired ok targets behind the bomber. Or am I remembering this wrong?
NVM I am remember this wrong. It was only in the talks for Australian F111. “As a result, the ASRAAM is a particularly attractive defensive missile for a bomber, as it can fire at a pursuing fighter even at an appreciable range. This capability significantly complicates life for fighters attempting to engage an ASRAAM equipped bomber. A Helmet Mounted Display will be required for the bomber. It will be interesting to see whether the RAAF opts to so equip its 35 strong fleet of F/RF-111C and F-111G aircraft. While an avionic upgrade for the F-111G has been approved in principle, the specific configuration of the upgrade is still being worked on. Fitting the F-111 fleet for the ASRAAM would provide a respectable air defence capability (with 6 rounds) with the ability to effectively engage hostile LRMP, reconnaissance and transport aircraft at extended ranges, while making the F-111 a much less inviting target for hostile fighters. The digital AMRAAM compatible interface will be required to fully exploit the missile.”

Pics form the RAF Museum
I find it funny that the red top is as long as a Skyflash/Meteor but has so much less range.
Also I finally found out what a Vinton Pod is


Well the asbestos sticker explains why it’s so hard to find a Skyflash for my office. Hahah


Hopefully they get more on stock soon


Tornado Nose Cone / Radome – Johnsons Of Leeds
Wait… is this from a F.3?


That is awesome. Though I would love to see you try to explain that one to anyone official, Like the police

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Wouldn’t even get into the country lol

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But if it did… the first thing I would do would be a tutorial on how to assemble a Skyflash by yourself :)

I want an 105mm APFSDS round in my room, preferably not the DU type XD.

Well the pointy bit goes at the front…


I think i’d just want a shelf of different control sticks. But if it had to be a weapon specifcally. Maybe a Hispano?

One of my friends has a training apfsds round.
No idea where he got it, but it’s from the challenger 1 line of tanks.