British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

What missiles are those on the wings? Doesn’t look like ALARM

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I think its Sea Eagle



though maybe ALARM, but I think the fins are too large and the body looks to large



It’s ALARM, also a Sea Eagle in the center line.


Ah, they looked so big, maybe the Hawk is too small then haha

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Lighting doesnt help either

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I’ve made a couple of minor updates:

  • Brimstone now has explosive type listed
  • Link to ALARM testing video should now work

I must say you get a pretty impressive amount of flame come out the back of an ALARM when you fire it:


That frag pattern is nuts when they show a impact. Love to see any SPAA survive that.

Probably not.


Does this not contradict the Jaguar manuals posted?

secret buff for Jaguar

Should largely be fine as long as its alternating one side to the other;

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TBH to me this is just an example of how these documents can be vague/contradictory and not explicit enough with their information to be relied on 100%. Not complaining if it means the Jaguar gets a buff though (let’s see if someone bug reports it and gets it reverted).

The discrepancy could very well be the load asymmetry creates a more challenging flight regime which while the aircraft is capable of handling it. The RAF decided its overall safer to drop in pairs.

Milan give up his life


That looks fine and historical. Jokes aside seeing your own missile commit suidice is hilarious.

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Your forgot to make your sacrifice to the snail.

Though on a seirous note, yeah thats pretty bad, Starstreaks do appear to be totally broken at the moment

Doesn’t seem to ever happen with Vikhrs when I play the Ka-50, curiously…

That clip with the AH Mk.1 isn’t a one off either, it happens almost 100% of the time when trying to hit jets from any angle.

Yeah, a LOT of people are reporting issues with the Stormer