British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

Yeah, so many great additions that we dont have yet. I also want a fuel dump setting too. Would be great for VTOL aircraft

That would be interesting. Another variable in dogfights and it would help some people in landing

Hehe, I’d love to be able to loft bombs onto a target provided by a teammate out of sight of enemy SPAA. The minimum I hope is that the ground radar in the Tornados will allow for a CCRP target point to be created using that.

In GRB this means you may be able to toss at a tank

But in SB I hope it will show bases and AFs and allow you to skip the current target point system and use your radar to set a target for an attack

I think when AtG gets added, it will work like this, afterall F14B does something simmilar

Yeah, should be really fun in SB, my biggest issue with the Tornado Gr1 in SB is that it just feels half empty,

But i expect AtG to come with Tornado GR.4, so you will be able to combine litening with it, leading to great ground awareness

Yeah, probably, though would be a shame. There was a mention of a radar overhaul for the Tornado a while ago, but I dont think there has been any further news recently.

I would be, but i do not expect it anytime sooner. Adding the current AtG thingy we have is also an option, but what we have now is hardly usabe

Yeah, a bit of a game overhaul needed for it. Out of all the things currently missing from the Gr1 I think CM overhaul so it can have its Chaff and ECM need to come first. GMR would be great, but relatively low on the priority list unfortunately. Though the new RWR is going to be awesome, thoroughly looking forward to it

Separation of flares and chaffs would be a thing i would gladly see, as it affects many planes. Ecm would be funny too, as having any type of radar stealth would be extreamly valuable in top tier

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Yep, RWR overhaul I think is a clear first step for both. and with MAWS around the corner too, it seems that we are on the right track for it.

Cant wait for maws, so i do not have to care about 180 cone at the back of my plane when it comes to ir missiles. RWR was somwthing people where screaming for ages when bvr started getting implemented, and it is good it came before things like AMRAAMs

Yeah, looking forward to being able to confidently sit at an alt above 50ft in the Gr7 without feeling totally naked/exposed.

Aim 7/R27ER/530 rapidly approaching your localisation

Yep, I’d still probably sit low, but some things needs alt in the Gr7, like dropping a paveway or firing off some AGMs onto SPAA. Always leave it quite late, so im not high for ages. which leads to being rushed. Will be really nice change to at least have some warning. I was planning on spending the next long while in the FRS1 and still will be, but with the Aim-9M and RWR overhaul, Gr7 is going to be taken out quite a bit as well I think.

You will still need to hug even if you do not want to, as it hates taking air in at higher altitudes. Even after 9M Gr7 is still a fun based pick. Ye, you can win a dog with other jets, ye you can kill those who do not look around, but everyone around you dictate if they want to fight or no, and that is a very bad feeling.

yeah, but if someone decides to pick a fight with me, then a 9M will make them regret it, 9Ls have a bad habbit of just not wanting to go for the target

Dont you worry, 9m will too when they hit live server

Yeah… might be a few weeks of fun, like when the Gr7 was added.

Yep, that is when i spaded it, 9L then had a funny ability to ignore flares so it was not as painfull