British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

Since you can only lock a target from a starting point of PDV HDN or ACM PDV HDN (ACM doesn’t even interrogate IFF anyway) which lack the range & elevation information to line up the IFF pings it wouldn’t help. It might help to prevent a lock transfer to a friendly in SST PDV HDN but that depends if it does constant IFF interrogation while in SST.

This means the only reliable way to use IFF should be in pulse (SRC). Which has the targets elevation, range and azimuth.

Forgive the stupid question, as my brain isn’t braining today.

How will the iff mode work in WT?

By not displaying friendlies on the radar?

We already have iff in game, it adds another line on top of the normal one

this thing

I haven’t used a jet that has working IFF so not sure how it’s displayed.

I play the Sea Harrier a lot but that currently has a copy paste F5E radar.

Next patch I believe it’s getting a it’s actual radar with IFF, so curious how the returns will be displayed.



So double line like that is a friendly return?

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Awesome, cheers.

I need to set up manual radar cueing and take the Sea Jet into sim when the patch drops.

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Happy to help, have fun doing so.


I just jumped on the Dev server and flew out the Seaharrier. The radar looks nice and will be helpfull in sim, but in cockpit it seems low res but that migh be my game.
Yep, my game, i reloaded and it is fine.


Going to be really fun

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I have a question, is there an option to lean in cockpit. I ask this due to Sea Harrier RWR
Around 100 degree is covered, so it is a significant part, and to see it camera would need to be lowered “leaned”. And i know it is not the wors thing ever, and that there are sound clues that can be used to avoid things in that zone, but still, seeing full thing would be nice.

You can adjust your head position in both X and Y and i think also Z axis but no option to “lean” unfortunately

I wonder if we will ever be able to

Probably not, we dont even have a way to accurately drop GBUs or select CCRP target points efficiently when in cockpit. But it would be good

To do so you are supposed to use targeting pods/internal sensors. Binding them strictly from cockpit view would be hard, so separate camera it is. When it comes to setting CCRP irl it is gps cordinates or different vechicles setting them up, so you are not supposed to do it from cockpit only, excluding situation where plane have targeting devides, where you provide what others would do for yourself using it.

Yeah, but automatic weapon release for GBUs would be handy and CCRP target point selection being limited to 1 button cycling is just annoying. Even just a back button or being able to target via the map would be incredibly helpful

These were some suggestions on the old forum that would be amazing

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Even just a back button or being able to target via the map would be incredibly helpful

That would be very nice, love to see it

Aircraft suspended weapons ripple quantities and interval - Interface - War Thunder - Official Forum

Why is that not in the game, i have no idea

Improvement in Mission Target Selection for aircraft (Sim EC) - Interface - War Thunder - Official Forum

That is sellecting on the map, and as i said, i would love to see it

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It would also be nice to give in mixed battles ability to ground forces to place poi on the map, and give pilots ability to snap onto it so they can drop bombs just where they are needed. But that would also cause CAS to be even more unbearable