British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

Could also come after harrier gr.7 if given hmd as upgrade (can it take brimstone?)

Im guessing Harrier T10 as a premium (has been leaked as a premium) as a premium version of the Harrier Gr7 and a direct equal to the AV-8B(NA) and so hopefully armed with only Aim-9Ls and not Aim-9Ms

Harrier Gr9A should take the role of the “late” TT Harrier II with MMW Brimstones if/when they become an option. I think only the Gr9 got the HMS.

For the SQV im guessing Sea Harrier FRS51 from India as a 13.0 ARH SQV for Britain

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SO, i did a thing


It’s such a cool & aesthetic SPAA, I’ve been wanting it for ages

So, are the British getting a broken air defense system at the same BR as the Tunguska again?

Anyway, I actually wanted to ask—how do you launch the PGM 2000 so that it doesn’t drop halfway to the target? And why does it just kill me when launched from low altitudes?

PGM are currently underpreforming greatly. While flying low they do 15km MAX, and they do 29km Max while launched from over 7km altitude.

I dont know how to respond to it killing you. If you could provide more info about that.

Easy. Fly at an altitude of 100-150 meters, launch the missile. BOOM! A few seconds later, it drops, explodes, and rips your wings off.

Oh, now i get it. PGM are not missiles, they are bombs with engine strapped to them. They also lack wing surface, that is why they primary fall, with boosters just slowing it down and boosting range, they will not go up like for example KH38.
Treat them like bombs with more range, not missiles.
If you want to hit a target, that is around 10km away you need to be at least 1,5km up.

Now I’ll show you some gaijin magic. If you drop to an altitude of about 35 m, the missile will start flying upward like some Kh-38.


Then idk. Whatever it does. Whatever triggers the loft script.

It looks like I figured it out. The problem is not with altitude but with the carrier’s speed at launch. Something has been changed in the missile’s drag and booster efficiency, and at low speed, it raises its nose and starts losing velocity. Notably, when the booster is turned off, it behaves the same way and literally drops like a rock near the target. Most likely, Gaijin nerfed it a long time ago without really looking into the results and then forgot about it.

Sounds about right lol.