Yup, though personally I find them half decent at least in suffecient numbers (and fighting AI)
So just wondering a couple things,
Firstly, whats the big white thing on the left here (napalm bomb?)? Also, whats the black and white things?
Secondly, just me, or is this BL 755 with 2 different strikemasters
Omani Air Force (70s picture)
Aviation photographs of Registration: G-BAWF : ABPic (source)
New Zealand Air Force (source is forum, not sure original)
While reading around, never seen New Zealand having BL 755, but I did know Saudi Arabia bought it along with UAE, though Oman is a potential buyer and not all buyers are named often.
Not sure how good forecast are but in their 1996 December paper suggested Saudi could be an unknown buyer (which turned out correct) and also Oman, which would explain their plane with the bomb under it?
In addition, at least four other unidentified nations have purchased this system; one of these may be
Saudi Arabia; another may be Oman.
Janes also suggests Oman has both BL 755 and Rockeye.
Just thought it interesting given we had the rumour/leaks of BL 755 and thought it might be worth a punt to get it on Strikemaster if it comes?
Mock up of a recce pod I think - if you mean the big big one on the left side of the plane.
The smaller white thing on the left of the picture (right side of the plane) with the black squares and red stripes is a 50 gallon drop tank (bigger teardrop shaped ones are 75 gallon). Napalm/Firebombs were based on the 50 gallon tank, but a modified construction probably made of pressed metal sheets designed to separate around the seam, rather than the phenolic asbestos often used for drop tanks in that period.
CBLS (Carrier, Bomb, Light Stores) usually for dropping little prac bombs
A question for those more knowledgeable, the Indian Jaguar IM with the AESA, can the radar datalink/guide it’s ASRAAM? Would be fun if it can.
Should be, it’s the same radar as in the new Kifir. Also out of curiosity, why did you specify the IM?
I wasn’t entirely sure the other types got the got the upgrade to the radar to be completely honest. I was incorrect though as far as I can tell. Semi relatedly the radar should have ground modes if I’m reading the brochure correctly?
Yes. It has it on the Kifir