That seems very very silly
That would require a bug report. Yea… Anyone got sources?
Yup, couldnt even turn the turret lmao.
chap posted images/sources here but as i said there, i am very much not in the headspace/stuffz for making a viable bug report.
Indian OSA has been added to the UK in dev… isn’t this the first Indian vehicle to be in the actual tech tree?
Oh sweet! Enjoying all the new options we’re getting for SPAA lately.
Would be super goated… but i don’t think they’ll go for it due to mockup CTA40
But the gun was later in service :P
Yesnt. It depends heavily on how you view the Vickers mk1 MBT, given its pretty much specifically built for sale to the Indians.
edit: would be nice though to get the 15 rpm record on vickers mk1/vijayanta 1 day though lol.
some day i hope
all paveway lock range have been changed in new dev
Added to that, GR.4 got “Litening III” now, which is modelled as gen 3 (!!!) thermal and has better zoom than Litening II. I do want to note that the thermals being gen 3 is incorrect, but you know, whatever… whatever is done is done.
I also just made a report for Paveway III (GBU-24/27) laser seekers, I finally found “a figure” for the supposed acquisiton range, and if it is enough (though I don’t have much hope despite it being an official document) it means the range goes to >13km+, which would be a rather significant QOL improvement for that partcular bomb.
Im still hoping they will add brimestones to the GR.7 with it being VTOL you could get some helicopter style kills with it
Just so you know thermal generation in game isn’t linked to resolution, more over it’s technology type. In this case the LITENING 3 is using 3rd gen thermal technologies.
Unfortunately all Harrier marks only tested Brimstone and also only Brimstone-1 so it would need to wait for the counterplay mechanics like the DMS ARH mode.
do we know what the gimbal limits are supposed to be? I was trying to test how well it goes over buildings but had trouble keeping the lase (also forgot what the setting that auto-levels when you change view is called which didn’t help)
So does this mean TIALD isn’t getting in-game gen 2 because of that? Well interesting I suppose. Because in that case, F-16C, and a lot of other aircraft which use Litening II now are using outdated pods, whilst they could be using Litening AT also quoted to have “gen 3” thermals despite being 640x512 detectors. I was always under the impression that resolution where known would be taken as basis instead, because the generation talk is a lot of marketing talk.