British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

New video on the Martlet

He shows several armour plates which he states are RHA and which have been penetrated, each plate looks to be around 10cm thick and he says it can penetrate “almost 6 of these plates”. Therefore i’d estimate the penetration to be around 550mm RHA.

Not bad for a missile that small


Updated new BR changes are in and theres some good news:


it appears that the APDS recalculations for the Fox have been cancelled, this also means the Falcon and Warrior will be unchanged.

edit: The changes are not cancelled, they have been postponed, the APDS will be changed alongside a larger small caliber APDS update. Gaijin has confirmed it will be a nerf.


The VFM5 and Cheiftain Mk.10 are no longer going up to 9.7/9.3 respectively, meanwhile the Rooikat MTTD is still getting its DM33.

Sea Harrier FRS.1 is going down to 11.0 in ARB which is nice, it didn’t need to be at 11.3.

going from 11.3 to 11.0 to 11.3 in Sim though which is a wierd change.

Just a shame about the Chally 2s though. Though at elast they were smart enough to recognise the CR3 as being one of the worst tanks in game and not moving

Well Mr Gunjob I come here (in public) to issue an apology, after a brief sample of games, I can conclude that I was in fact wrong and accept my dose of humble pie. Heck, I even managed an air kill with bombs, despite being as rusty as the screws holding the Eiffel Tower together must be.

So, do accept my apologies for my blatant bullheadishness!




Still want the Napalm though :P

Players got to be carefull of the buc, what they should truly fear is a buc with no bombs and 2 9bs and rn rockets… I have gotten some meaty kills with them like on my sea vixen, just a shame you cant set fuse delay on them…

I do too, but I dunno if you can remember but I was bitching about how the Bucc is rubbish

I do apologise to all other Brits, I am in love with the Bucc S.2 and it’s very usable.

either that man is insane or he’s godly

Its a… reasonable concern. Going from having airspawn to not having airspawn AND facing more super-sonic aircraft or all-aspect IRs without any change. Yeah… Its a reasonable concern. I certainly started to enjoy it far less after that point.

It is certainly time for the buc S2 to get some TLC like Napalm and radar.

But, in Sim. Where it can be used “properly”, its awesome, especially now its not made out of soggy paper mache

Getting the radar implimented into the s2 would make it that much better in sim, and napalm would probably make it 10.0 as gaijin dont like use being able to take out 3 1/2 bases let alone the 10 or so bases we could get with a full napalm loadout. I do love the buc but i only play it when i need to grind and have a movie on as sitting around for 10 minutes waiting for bases to respawn just isnt fun with how many super sonic bombers (or just mig 21s with bombs for whatever reason) you have at that br force you to play passive… Its why i sometimes just bring the 9bs as why shouldnt i go toe to toe with the jet fighters at this br. The buc can energy trap like a champ, even against super sonics due to the sheer amount of thrust you have.

The radar is pretty much the only reason for me to take the S2B into sim over the S2 most of the time. As every other change is semi-irrelevant if you play the S2 correctly.

Yeah, S2 is my chill aircraft, you have to be gentle with them and its at a BR where you can pretty easily evade the enemy team, so rarely have anything more to worry abut that not hitting a tree. YOu also outrun most things at 9.3


RB is imo, a lot harder to work it in. Sim, most of the time you have to close in to VID still, and most radars from what I remember don’t IFF. So either you need some really good comms, or it’s time to get close in and down in the weeds to find, identify, and kill a Buccaneer.

Tbf, there’s a lot of Brit aircraft that could do with that. On the quiet, now I’ve been reminded, I kinda hope Sea Venom gets some A/G. Because I used to like flying that, especially in Sim where you get a Radar to assist with finding some baddies. No IFF iirc, but that was all well and good.

It reminds me of the sea vixen, where you can go toe to toe if not further against pretty much anything bellow an f8 but you cant do anything to hurt them… A gunpod mounted on a buc would be a truly terrifying thought for the enemy team.

Yeah, shame they never actually finished one, they were working on a gunpod for the buc

Any ground attacker is 10x in RB than in SB. SB is made for ground attackers.

Even if they find you, quite a few things cant catch you, its actually kinda funny

Yeah… I cant think of a single British aircraft that doesnt have a giant glaring issue

The venom being at 8.7 is still funny to me. Sure, i can basically act like a low br spit and be nigh unhittable. But i just never have any energy to actually counter anything. Although, im not sure if its still a thing, taking a single hit would make you act like a drunk and barely pull any g’s or get any speed. and your not all that fast to begin with. They did the same to the sea vixen where a yellow elevator would literaly stop you from pulling more than 2gs (no exaggeration). Same with the tornado when it was first added. Think it had something to do wtih the flight guide or whatever its called, was a real buz kill when youve almost won the dog fight just to get a 7.7 to the elevator and become a tub.

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I want to say the ADEN gunpack was also intended for the Canberra but I might be spouting there.

Throw in tanks while you’re at it. I love the Barn to bits, but hate how inconsistent it is. I’d kill to have HESH that works against IS-2s (because for some reason Stalinium renders a 27kg High Explosive warhead flying at approx 800m/s useless)

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Sea Venom is characterised as “basically the Venom minus the good bits.”

Which I disagree with, at least in Sim. It gets a Search radar for one, it’s quite stable, and quite happy to pull not unreasonable turns.

Its the one gun jet ive actually given half a chance. ill admit to not being the best in sim, actually not even considered good as all i know how to do is bvr and stay hidden. But the sea venom and javelin are my go to due to the decent radars they get along with the excellent fm they have for their brs (the javelin not so much anymore as they gave it the draken treatment and made it lose just as much speed for less turn rate so now you can rate fight better in it… in a delta turn fighter… not exactly what you want).

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Eh, at that BR, unless you full uptier yourself, by memory little to nothing would have an RWR. So you’re quite happily able to blast away on active emission, with bugger all EMCON and zero in on anyone approaching