British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

Is the Buc S2B another aircraft we need to ban you from so it doesnt end up getting massively Uptiered purely by your player stats :P


judging off the 40mm at 40 degrees at 1500m the shell ingame dosen’t seem too far off

It might be overperforming a little bit, but I imagine it should still be over around 100mm pen flat

As of 4th October this should be fixed, since it is a new loadout, you might have to manually purchase the bombs.
Reject CCIP(bucc, saab 105), embrace 4,000lb

Starstreak video


you got the source for that?

Nah i stole permanently borrowed it from somewhere, so no idea what the source is.

Disagree fundamentally, even in downtiers it doesn’t stand much of a chance of outrunning anything, nevermind at its tier. It is essentially dead, because the main role it occupies (bombing) is basically impossible, and it doesn’t have the arnament to really do any air to air work - Look at the Yak-28B. Faster, has a gun! Yes it has less CMs and less bombs… but it’s fast enough that it doesn’t matter, since it stands a reasonable chance of being able to get bombs off, and can evade/outrun.

Then again, spare a thought for the Canberras who are 8.3 who have to face F-104s and MiG-19s in uptiers (very regular now)

yeah, so the bare minimum, doing a bit of “back of a napkin maths,” according to 40mm of pen at 45deg at 1000m, from my maths that would need 56.6mm of flat pen at 1000m. In game it manages 69mm of pen as is, but the flipside to that is that 56.6mm value is a bare minimum

However, of course, that’s assuming everything is “normal” - in other words, someone’s going to (rightly) point out my maths is blatantly wrong, that i haven’t considered about 15 different factors lmao
Edit: Spellcheck

If your only real justification that it should be lower is it cannot out run anything, why not stick it with the Me-262’s? Out running stuff isn’t enough to make something worthy of a lower/higher BR, as you well know something has to be the quickest. Just because its not your aircraft doesn’t mean its unfair…

Yeah the Yak-28B has a gun, sure, take it out of a dogfight let me know how useful that gun is for you. You’d get as much success as swapping one pylon for a rocket pod and using that rather than a gun.

Just took it out 1 and half bases, stayed with the team for added cover easy game?

14 games back to back, tell me when am I supposed to start struggling?


That would be all well and good, but the point is it is essentially fish food. It cannot get anything bombed, no ground targets, no bases, nada, because they’ve either been bombed by your faster teammates, or you’ve been intercepted, hit and shot down before you’ve made it there. The whole “it’s not able to outrun anything” thing wouldn’t be an issue if it wasn’t facing Mach 2 Interceptors at it’s BR. and sure, they’re rarely if ever going to get to Mach 2, but they’re going a hell of a lot faster than you tootling on down at Mach 0.95.
Your only counter is to do something completely unexpected, go pretty much the whole way round, or sit on the runway for a couple of minutes. I don’t know what god tier MM you got, but my entire experience with the Bucc recently is:
Launch → Get Intercepted → Die
Launch → No bases → loiter for half an hour waiting for them to respawn
Launch → Go long way round → above
Launch → Go long way round → Get Tunnel visioned by some nutcase who can’t fight normally → Die/Run away → no bases hit, get no rewards, time wasted.
The Buccaneer’s advantages irl of running at that speed for long duration, far longer than an interceptor can sustain, is completely meaningless because you don’t get any of the allowances of an irl sortie. The fighter and interceptor knows you’re coming. He knows exactly where you will bomb, and he knows pretty much where you’ll be coming from, and he launches at the exact same time as you, and most critically, he is faster than you. He will get to the middle of the map before you do. I don’t mean to lecture you but it seems like the obvious problem is said undertiered interceptors (F-104, MiG-19, MiG-21 (early), Lightning F.6, and probably some others.
Now, seeing as Gaijin are being intransigent, and have thus far ignored any community feedback to suggest that any of these get moved up, and instead they’re moving planes down… why not the Buccaneer?

Yak 28 can at least kill something on its own terms, it can actually kill someone in the head on, from the side with relative ease, because it has a gun, whereas the Buccaneer you either need to thread the needle/do some wild ass calculations or get to point blank range and score a direct hit with a rocket, or you need someone to practically fly straight and level for you to employ an AIM-9B.


I’ve had much more success with the S.2 bombing convoys rather than the bases, as they’re often ignored by the team, especially on maps like spaceport where you can hide behind the mountains. I’ve found this works best with the 28x540 lb bombs dropped individually. However this means that your only defense is staying low and a 1sec fuse delay to drop and destroy a close following fighter.

Your rebuttal? Given you set the standard as “impossible”.

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This is my play style with the bucc. Getting thunderer with it is very easy. Getting kills with bombs is also very funny if you have someone on your tail.

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The buc is great, no questions asked. The problem i have is the fact people get to bases quicker than you most of the time (not all of it of course). But it does mean you have to sit around waiting for bases to respawn, now it used to be okay but gaijin nerfed the respawn times of bases to something like 5 minutes… Im a bomber man myself but even that amount of waiting makes it incredibly mundane as you still have to keep out of the way of the enemy.

Instead of moving down i just say either add more bases or at least spread them out like a normal ec map. There shouldnt be all 4 at the centre of the map effectively nullifying the bigger maps uses. More bases spread out would give us more chances to bomb and have a bit of fun, if gaijin think we would get too much rp/sl, i would acept them nerfing the rewards if it meant we got a more stable amount of rp/sl rather than going a couple games where u get nothing due to an f8 deciding you would be a nice kill to one where you get 10.0 tons of base damage (which i have done as its why i have a talisman on my bucc).

Without ccip it would also making bombing convoys even more of a chore than it already is…

Doesnt really matter if you are talking about a Buc, Jaguar, Tornado, heck probably even a Canberra or Lancaster. ARB is just not well designed for anything with a focus on ground attack. (if anything its designed to be the opposite)

  • 2+ airfields to spawn at to widen the matches.
  • Additional bombing targets (not necessarily more bases, but perhaps damagable AFs that dont affect tickets but at least give score/RP/SL (like SB) or high value ground targets like Bridges that reward a half decent amount.
  • An RB EC gamemode (Sim but not Sim) to give attack aircraft a proper gamemode outside of sim. I know not everyone likes the idea of Full controls and cockpit view,

Bucs specifically.

Buc S1 needs a buff. Ideally drop down to Rank V and get Air spawn back

Buc S2 I think just needs Napalm. With the Napalm buffs, you could run less bombs but get the same number of kills. Would enable the ability to run CM pods whilst not sacrafice bomb load too much. would also make you quicker. Also about time it got its radar


Could have left it at “ARB is just not well designed” tbch. It’s barely even a good game mode for fighters.

Well… yes and no, Its pretty good for Props and maybe early jets. But thats when they stopped updating the gamemode and ever since the gamemode hasnt suited the aircraft that has come after

I just saw a video talking about ground radar detecting targets on planes (Russian only so far?) and it made me think, was that why they gave Buccaneers CCIP? Because they had the radar system slaved to the weapons giving firing resolutions before the radar systems were advanced enough/coded as a simple fix? Maybe a false memory or something linking the 2.

I wonder if thats what the devs are meaning for “we know about it but its complicated” when it comes to the Buccaneers CCIP issue.

Its possible, either that or they know CCRP is just in an aweful state and dont expect people to try and use CCRP all the time.

Does that mean there not going to remove ccrp or there simply going to wait until ccrp is usable?

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