British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

Are you sure you don’t have the button for countermeasures bound.

It works fine for me.

Yeah I get that too, I think it’s maybe a little client/server desync? I saw it happen before the update if lots of CMs were dropped at once, it’s a pretty small thing imo

I mean maybe if they added airspawn for it because it can’t abuse that unlike the Su-7/17/22

2x Aim-9Bs still too OP

You’re right. Maybe if they remove it for us it can go down to 8.7 because the missiles make it that much more OP.

I removed counter measure bind and have separate binds for flare and for chaff. They are also far away ftom each other.

Means you lose the ability to do periodic release for specific countermeasure types. When activating periodic release it will dispense what is selected. So when BOZ-107 is working properly you should be able to chaff nonstop.

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I was hoping we’d get keybinds for periodic chaff and periodic flare release. Just eliminate the middle step

Me too, but it seems to be the old option tied into the new selector.

Yeah, looks like they bodged this split CMs rather than scrapping the old system and starting again. Would also explain why CMs are so broken right now

nah nah its the RP rockets that get you

So rather than have a bind each for flare and chaff, it would be better to have one bind to select and the other to pop so i can make better use of periodic release for chaff whilst im launching fox 3’s from the heavens.

Have you checked out ground cas yet? There seems to be a bug for the buccaneer s2b (haven’t checked any other jets so far) where you can only bring 3 flares max. They dont even pop when you try and release them so im not sure whats even going on TBH…

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Would love if we had both, some jets require the dump of 3 flares instantly which really negates any use of periodic chaff release, as releasing 3 at a time is just not needed with it. Shame, so far ive just kept flares selected with a button for chaff release, which i release manually while notching.

I’m facing this issue too. I think it also happens with the Sea Harrier FRS.1 (e) and the Jaguar GR.1A

I think it’s a GRB problem, as when I took the Shar into GRB I had no flares for some reason?

If you chose full flares or chaff the bug appears, simply choosing 1 chaff and 89 flares seems to have fixed it.

I’m currently trying to write a bug report for the FV4005 to get its weight corrected to 50 tons as it should be. Its 59.5 tonnes ingame, a figure which I cannot find anywhere, its always listed as 50 tons.

I have a few document screenshots and extracts, but no actual documents to provide to get it changed. Despite the tank museum (who own the real tank) saying its 50 tonnes, apparently this isn’t a valid source.

This document clearly states 50 tons, but I don’t know the document name sadly.

If anyone has any documents regarding its weight (or knows the name of that document) I’d appreciate if you could share them with me so I can add them to the report.

Thanks :)


So is it a 180mm or a 183mm lol

Both. It was called 180mm “Lilywhite” during development.
It wasn’t classified as 183mm until it was given an official Land Service designation “Ordnance, Quick-Firing, 183 mm, Tank, L4” just before the start of 1953.