British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

OoooOoOOooooo Gaijin please.


Really? I thought it did. Interesting. Hope its ASRAAM then, otherwise its goint to get destroyed. Brimstones are going to need to be high

Yeah only the Joint Harrier Force, and some F.3’s got them during the Gulf War, at the cost of destroying x100 AIM-9M before they realised our modified LAU-7 rails that had been de-chirped where killing the missiles.


skyflash in general is just honestly useless. if you do a barrel roll, it’ll miss

Haha , so no Aim-9M/i then :P

I’d expect GR.4 to come with ASRAAM.

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I think could be 12.3 minimum and guess BAE Hawk 200 something better MiG-29A 9-12A (GDR), MiG-29 9-13 (USSR), F-16A Block 15 ADF (USA & Italy), Typhoon DA.2 & Typhoon FA Mk.2 especially Air-to-Ground munitions

I believe BAE Hawk 200 very good multirole combat aircraft toptier for great britain tech tree in the future

You guess in the future gaijin could add AIM-9L/i & AIM-9M on Tornado F3 ?

Did they mount Brimstone on the Hawks? I only could find this: IAF Wants Brimstone & ASRAAM On Its Hawk Trainers - Livefist

That would be so fun, R-73 pull with a 9L seeker



Indian Advanced Hawk


@Gunjob, Finally got round to sorting out a bug report for the cockpit HUD issues in multiple aircraft. hoping 1 report for all affected aircraft is okay.

So this is an interesting one. I went back and checked my Jaguar GR.1A manuals. And it would appear to be correct.

So for one we’re using the wrong symbol for Sidewinder aiming, here you can see the “Datum Cross” which was used for aiming. But also you can see the “Marked-target Cross” which we are erroneously using.


As far as the cross moving with the locked target, it would appear it was fixed in place;


Now if that includes aircraft which will have had SEAM integrated (Sea Harrier FRS.1) I’m unsure as I don’t have a Nav’ Attack manual for the FRS.1.

I’ll do a bit more digging before I forward your report.

Interesting. Would be good to have some way of knowing what im about to fire an ir missile at though, so i hope there is some kind of symbology, was handy in SB.

The ALARMs were meant to be integrated onto all RAF combat aircraft from the late-1980’s onwards, though this never ended up happening. It is interesting to see it on a Jag, and hopefully we can put it forward for suggestion for it, as missile armament is something the Jag really lacks right now.

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The alternative is splitting the Hawk 200 between and Early and Late mod, with the Early getting Skyflash and 9Ls, and the Late getting AMRAAMs and ASRAAMs. Another possible alternative is putting the Hawk T.1A in the tech tree as well.

I am currently working on some suggestions for the Hawks, hopefully they’ll be accepted soon. Unfortunately it seems like all of my suggestions from late July onwards have been stuck in the pipeline, I have heard it’s the same for many others

Yeah, though 9ls and skyflash, even on a subsonic would be 11.3. But yeah. A lot in the pipe line and im not expecting much for britain this year except maybe the sea harrier fa2

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Do you think Gaijin would add the Active Skyflash? It’s basically a Skyflash with a ARH seeker. Would be cool to see it on vehicles like the Tornado and Phantoms alongside the SRAAMs.

This is also another Skyflash derivative called the S225X and S225XR, it’s basically a Skyflash with a Ramjet (the S225XR only) and ARH seeker (like the Active Skyflash).

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Hawk T.2 would be interesting too for 11.0 or something.

Hawk T.2 is terrible. Take it from me who has worked with them IRL for the last 7 years. Not to mention they only fly with sim missiles and nothing else. No guns, no bombs, nothing.

The in-game equivalent would be the Hawk 100 prototypes used by BAE, with the Early mods being able to get Mavericks and Sidewinders, and later ones getting Brimstone, ALARM and ASRAAM, with both being able to carry bombs and an ADEN pod

Yep, but at least it would still fill a decently sized cap in the UK tree.

Also, in regards to oddball aircraft, I have found some test aircraft with some interesting weapons loadouts. These include a Jaguar GR.1 modified to by the demonstrator for the Maritime Jag and a Tornado GR.1 with Storm Shadows. I had reached out to some museums about them but got very little information about them so I will get round to making suggestions with what I have at the moment once I’m done with reposting my old ones and some new ones for the Hawks.