British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion

So I’m guessing it also lacks systems required to actually fire live munitions?

I believe the UK and many other countries mainly used them as trainers. Which is why they may not have been fully armed, but im fairly certain a nation used them for a ground attack but i dont know which, maybe canada

Oman apparently uses Hawk 103s and 203s as multi role.

Australian Mk.127s were upgraded to the exact same standard as the Hawk T.2 (Mk.128) with Adour 951 and hardware and software updates for F-35 training, and now only differ from the T.2 in that the Aussie ones retain the ability to carry armament.
South African Mk.120 are also armed. Mk.120 and Mk.127 forming the basis of the Hawk T.2: with the new wing forward and centre fuselage, fin and tailplane construction over the older Mk.100 series.
Indian Mk.132 that is derived from Mk.128 but with an Adour 871, is also armed.
I think I remember seeing a picture of a Mk.129 for Bahrain fitted with a gunpod as well

I don’t know if the Omani Mk.166s are armed like their previous Mk.103s were. Only seen them carrying fuel pods. But you would think so.
The Qatari Mk.167s operated by a joint RAF/Qatar squadron seem to unofficially get called T.2As from time to time, which might imply they can carry armament like the T.1A could over the T.1


Honestly I doubt the addition of the Hawk T.2 would be special and especially when we got a literal Multirole variant being the Hawk 200. Lets not overlook the fact that the Hawk 200 would be better in all ways being able to carry Fox 3s, Paveways and AIM-132s.

The Hawk T.2 would be dead on arrival unlike the Hawk 200 anyways and the vehicle itself would be more flexible and would indeed be able to function as a true Multirole.

Don’t think Hawks of any kind have been equipped with a designator pod that would allow them to use Paveway in War Thunder. Only know of them employed with a ground-based FAC providing laser illumination

“Advanced Hawk” touted the possibility of a laser designator pod but it wasn’t ever shown on the flying demonstrator or mockup

They could probably use a buddy laser to navigate the Paveway to the target, not sure if this would ever get introduced into War Thunder though.

It has been directly mentioned in Dev Q&A’s, a few times. So it is at very least plausible.

Well I wouldn’t argue the addition of it, this would help a ton of vehicles which never carried Laser Designators needed to guide bombs alone in both the present and future.

Does anyone know what this Pod (thing) near this British F-4J Phantom is?


It’s a missile monitoring pod apparently. Also that’s an FGR.2.

Also that’s an FGR.2

Oh source claimed it was a F-4J UK, well never the less it was in British service at least.

A British FGR Phantom carrying four AIM-9Ls, Skyflashes, Fuel pods on the outter pylon and a Gunpod.

10% of that we lack in-game

Wing based fuel pods would be agood addition


Just had a headon with a 104 in the Lighting F53. It never gave me lock on. So even vs a reheating, supersonic target, the all aspect doesnt actually work currently. That really sucks.

Only Headon kill with RedTop I’ve ever got was on a Mirage 5, that was so beautiful, specially because he was destroying everything on that downtier lol

The front aspect capability of Red Top is laughably bad compared to real life: Community Bug Reporting System

Do you think the range is accurate? Can’t hit a target 2km away because it just has so much drag.

The range is way too short.

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It’s probably even worse after the drag changes

Yeah, ive had one successful headon lock in the past, but was in the exact same siruation as last night. So its not that its bad, its really inconsistent